This page provides a listing of selected primary and government sources for development information, primarily from governments. For more information please see additional sources from the guide to the United Nations; International Statistics, and International Economic Organizations.
Human Development Report Library. The web site includes the UNDP flagship publication the Human Development Report, as well as national human development reports from countries and regions.
Least Developed Countries Report. Report on economic and social conditions of the UNs Least Developed Countries
FinDev Gateway. From CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) a consortium of public and private development agencies working to provide access to financial services for the poor in developing countries
IFAD Research Portal. From the International Fund for Agricultural development on a wide range of poverty issues, country reports and development strategies, from international agencies world wide.
World Bank: Understanding Poverty. Gateway to World Bank Poverty measurement, analysis and reduction strategies. Includes topical and country listings as well as data on poverty and inequality.
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). UN agency conducting research on the social dimensions of world development. Includes hundreds of documents on a wide range of social development issues.
World Bank Open Knowledge Repository. Open access World Bank Publications.
World Bank Country Information. Web portal of World Bank publications by country. See also the World Bank Country Study series of reports. In the online catalogs do a series search for world bank country study.
To find reviews and other reports documenting flows of foreign assistance from countries with significant foreign assistance plans, do a subject search in UC Library Search
Asian Development Bank. Information on loans, investment, and technical assistance to developing member countries for a broad range of development projects and programs.
IMF Country Policy Intention Documents. IMF documents prepared by countries outlining policy intentions for use of Fund resources or staff-monitored programs.See also IMF Article IV Staff Reports.
OECD iLibrary. Leading International Organization for Foreign Aid data, as well as statistical databases on External Debt Statistics and Geographical Distribution of Financial Aid Flows to Developing Countries.
U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (Green Book). Loans and grants from the US government each fiscal year by purpose and country.
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). UN agency conducting research on the social dimensions of world development.
USAID Documents. Online resource for USAID international development, with thousands documents available for download. Database is browseable by country and by subject.
World Bank Documents and Reports. Full-text of World Bank project reports, including evaluation reports, working papers, and project appraisals