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ESPM C167/PH C160 Environmental Health and Development: Find Articles

Research resources for ESPM C167 / PBHLTH C160.


Dinosaur in VLSB; click for library home page

Michael Sholinbeck (
Becky Miller (

Top Research Databases for Environmental Health & Development

Use one or more of these databases to find articles and other material relevant to research on environmental health and development, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable Development Goals Research Guides (from the UN) can help point you to goal-specific articles, reports, etc. 

Environmental health and development are multidisciplinary subject areas and you may need to explore more than one database. If you are unsure which database(s) to use, please ask a librarian.

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Database Top Tips, when searching any database

  1. Combine terms with AND or OR
  2. Search for your term as a word in the title or title or abstract (You may need to use Advanced Search; in PubMed you can also use Field Tags)
  3. Use the Similar Articles link, once you find a set of relevant citations (sometimes it is labelled Related Citations, Similar Records, etc.)
  4. Use Filters (sometimes called Facets) (eg, Ages, Article types, Languages, etc.; some databases have a "Peer Reviewed" or "Scholarly" filter!)
  5. Use Thesaurus Terms (sometimes called Descriptors; in PubMed they are called MeSH: Medical Subject Headings)
  6. Always keep in mind the question you are trying to answer when creating a search strategy and when reviewing the articles you find