Provides interactive maps, graphs, tables, and figures showing geographic patterns and time trends of HIV, AIDS, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and primary and secondary syphilis surveillance data from the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. YouTube tutorial also available. Download: csv.
Interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility for the broad-based healthy/sustainable/livable communities’ movement. Create customized interactive maps from a wide range of economic, demographic, physical and cultural data. Access a suite of analysis tools and maps for specialized topics.
Designed for public health managers, community leaders, GIS users, epidemiologists, and those interested in using GIS to chronic diseases, this site provides a forum for sharing specific examples, ideas, and techniques for using GIS to document geographic disparities, inform policy and program development, and build partnerships.
The tool has an interactive map and uses datasets that are indicators of burdens in eight categories: climate change, energy, health, housing, legacy pollution, transportation, water and wastewater, and workforce development. The tool uses this information to identify census tracts that are experiencing these burdens. From US Council on Environmental Quality.
An interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility with GIS data layers and tables displayed at varying geographies for all communities in the United States. Map topics such as poverty, crime, food insecurity, demographics, health insurance and obesity utilizing data sources such as the American Community Survey, the Census, USDA, and the CDC.
View data and trends for diagnosed diabetes (new and existing cases), obesity, and leisure-time physical inactivity at national, state, and county levels. Download data in xlsx.
Allows dynamic mapping of federal and state EPA data, including air, water, hazardous waste, enforcement cases, and facilities data. It also maps annual federal and state EPA enforcement actions, and includes a Clean Water Act trends map for the state and federal level, with information on permits, inspection coverage, compliance monitoring, enforcement action, and total assessed penalties. Download data: csv, xlsx, geojson.
EnviroAtlas is a collection of tools and resources to provide data, research, and analysis on the relationships between nature, people, health, and the economy. EnviroAtlas interactive tools allow users to discover, analyze, and download data (some at community level) and maps related to a wide variety of environmental and demographic variables.
Create maps with various types of environmental information: air releases, drinking water, toxic releases, hazardous wastes, water discharge permits, and Superfund sites. Can also add publicly available data layers. Download data: csv, kml, shapefile.
The EQI pulls data from five domains: air, water, land, built, and sociodemographic environments to provide a county-by-county snapshot of overall environmental quality across the entire U.S. This data can then be used to highlight associations between environmental quality and a given health concern. Map layers and data available for download.
Public domain software package provides for easy form and database construction, data entry, and analysis with epidemiologic statistics, maps, and graphs. Includes Epi Map, an ArcView-compatible GIS
Assembles statistics on food environment indicators to stimulate research on the determinants of food choices and diet quality, and provides a spatial overview of a community's ability to access healthy food and its success in doing so. Download data: xls.
Allows users to view county-level maps of heart disease and stroke, along with maps of social environmental conditions and health services for the entire United States or for a chosen state or territory. Congressional boundaries and health care facilities can be added with an overlay.
Designed to provide a cross-section of environmental information based on your location. Search by ZIP code, street address, county name, waterbody name, National Park name, etc.
A system of integrated health, exposure, and hazard information and data. View information here on environmental and health conditions by location. Data covers asthma, birth defects, cancer, carbon monoxide poisoning, childhood lead poisoning, heart attacks, and reproductive and birth outcomes.
UCB access only. An easy-to-use mapping program that includes over 15,000 US demographic and socioeconomic data indicators from the neighborhood census block to national levels.
PolicyMap is an easy-to-use mapping program that includes over 15,000 US demographic and socioeconomic data indicators from the neighborhood census block to national levels. Data about demographics, neighborhood conditions, real estate markets, income, jobs and economy, education, crime, and health can be presented as maps, tables, charts and reports.
Create county-level maps illustrating the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination coverage rates and other health outcomes, socio-demographic, and economic variables across all counties of the United States. Add geolocations of Native American Reservations; outline of persistent poverty counties; location of major highways; and Federally Defined Regions. Includes lists of pharmacies, primary care providers, and more.
UCB access only. A web-based data analysis and mapping application that allows users to create custom thematic maps, tables, and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States.
A web-based data analysis and mapping application that allows users to create custom thematic maps, tables and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States. Includes over 70,000 data variables related to demographics, employment, real estate & housing, crime, businesses, consumer spending, and points of interest data from the US Census, historical US Census data (2000), SimmonsLOCAL data from Experian, and Nielsen Claritas PRIZM data.
State Cancer Profiles characterizes the cancer burden in a standardized manner. Interactive graphics and maps provide support for deciding where to focus cancer control efforts.
Create maps showing food access indicators by census tract using different measures and indicators of supermarket accessibility; Compare food access measures based on 2015 data with the previous 2010 measures; View indicators of food access for selected subpopulations; and Download census-tract-level data on food access measures.
Digital line graphs, digital orthophoto quadrangles, national elevation dataset, national hydrography dataset, and land use/land cover data. Links to various software for general display and creation, image processing, and specific topics such as watershed.
A screening methodology that can be used to help identify California communities that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution. It uses environmental, health, and socioeconomic information to produce scores for every census tract in the state.
Data about environmentally regulated sites and facilities in California. Includes hazardous materials and waste, state and federal cleanups, impacted ground and surface waters, and toxic materials. Data export to csv.
List of commonly requested map systems including the Community Health Air Pollution Information System, California Ambient Dioxin Air Monitoring Program Sites, Emission Inventory Maps, and GIS Shapefiles.
Interactive GIS mapping application that contains information about hospitals and healthcare facilities, as well as Shortage Area Designations, Medically Underserved Populations, and more. Downloadable GIS data available.
The HPI combines community characteristics, like access to healthcare, housing, education, and more, into a single indexed HPI score. The HPI helps prioritize public and private investments, resources, and programs in neighborhoods where they are needed most. Indicator data used for HPI is produced at a census tract level. Includes interactive map, decision support, Policy Action Guides, and more. Data downloads available.
Provides access to the city's information. Some of the data is available as premade maps or tables. Data available here includes education statistics, population by ethnicity, housing statistics, and city park and tree locations, among much more.
Search for sites or hazardous waste facilities that are contaminated with hazardous substances by location or type of cleanup site. Results are mapped.
Interactive web map based on a database of legal and health services in the 9-county Bay Area. Use this tool to identify gaps in services and better inform fund allocation, and immigrants can search for health and legal aid clinics. From UC Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative.
From the UCB Safe Transportation Research and Education Center, TIMS provides data and mapping analysis tools and information for traffic safety related research, policy and planning. Includes several TIMS query and mapping tools
CIESIN conducts interdisciplinary research related to human interactions in the environment. Their site includes tools, such as data conversion applications, geospatial database queries, and online mapping tools, free downloadable geospatial data, and more.
Geospatial data in both vector and raster formats including GIS data and scanned maps.
GeoData@UC Berkeley is the library's geoportal. It allows users to search for and download geospatial data collected by the UC Berkeley Library and partner institutions for a wide range of topics including transportation, land use, boundaries, demographics, agriculture, natural resources, and more. The geoportal includes vector and raster GIS data and scanned maps. Users can search both geographically and using a text-based search. Some data is restricted to UC Berkeley access only.
Data and maps on infectious diseases and outbreaks: history, geographic spread, and treatment. It also includes a visualization tool to create charts, and a differential tool to assist in diagnosis. Updated daily.
Epidemiological data going back to 1348 AD, covering 230+ countries and territories. Over 28,000 outbreaks, 39,000+ graphs, and 100,000+ surveys. Includes interactive tools to identify 2,000+ pathogens, diagnose and compare 360+ infectious diseases, as well as to explore the properties of 30,000+ trade names of drugs and vaccines. The application is updated every day by a team of highly regarded medical scientists.
Allows users to view current infectious diseases with an interactive mapping tool. The data is aggregated by disease and results can be displayed by either disease or country and provides easy access to the original alert. This site integrates outbreak data from a variety of sources.