The University of California at Berkeley becomes a participant of the Library of Congress’ Public Law 480 Program and begins to acquire books from South Asia.
Dr. Richard J. Kozicki is hired as South Asia bibliographer.
The Public Law 480 Program is extended to Southeast Asia.
The combined collection of South and Southeast Asia materials is added to a joint Reading Room serving the Center for South Asia Studies and the Center for Southeast Asia Studies.
Peter Ananda is hired as Southeast Asia bibliographer.
The U.S. invasion of Cambodia in May prompts student and faculty protests, partly due to information about a Berkeley faculty member accepting grants from the Pentagon for counter-insurgency research.
On July 1st, a pipe bomb explodes in the Reading Room, causing a fire and expediting plans to move the Reading Room’s collection to the main campus. In September, the collection is moved to 438 Doe Library and the new Reading Room is named the South/Southeast Asia Library.
Dr. Richard J. Kozicki leaves for a position at the University of San Francisco.
Kenneth R. Logan is hired as South Asia bibliographer.
Vanessa Tait is hired to serve as a curatorial assistant for the South Asia collection.
Rebecca Darby-Williams is hired to provide curatorial support for the Southeast Asia collection and operational management for the South/Southeast Asia Library.
Peter Ananda retires.
Kenneth R. Logan retires.
Suzanne McMahon is hired as South Asia Librarian.
Virginia Shih is hired as Southeast Asia Librarian.
The South/Southeast Asia Library is moved to its current location at 120 Doe Library.
Suzanne McMahon retires.
Adnan Malik is hired as South Asia Librarian.
Rebecca Darby-Williams is transferred to head the Newspapers & Microforms Library.
Vanessa Tait retires.
Vaughn Egge is hired to provide web and operational support.