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Global Change Biology: Finding Articles

Research resources for ESPM 152

Top Research Databases for Global Change Biology

Best for biology / ecology

*Tip: Try switching your BIOSIS (or Web of Science) search to All Databases (under Select a database) to search more content.*

Databases with broad coverage in the sciences

  • Use these instructions to set up access in Google Scholar to full-text via UCB subscriptions.

Additional specialized databases

Find Journals and Full Text

  • Use Journal Search to find online or print access to a particular journal.
  • To find full text when searching in an article database, look for links:                 Get it at UC
  • To find full text from a citation, paste the citation into the search box in UC Library Search.

Search Strategies

Building a search

To most effectively find relevant journal articles in Biosis Previews (and other databases), see instructions (from Bio1B) on how to develop keywords, build a search, and broaden or narrow a search.

For example, if my topic were how koalas are impacted by the frequent and severe fires that result from climate change, my search might be: koala* AND (wildfire* OR fire* OR bushfire*)

Using one good paper to find others

From your search results, you can identify a relevant article and then use the database's tools to help you find more.

For example, here is a relevant 2021 article near the top of my search results:

Quantifying the impacts of bushfire on populations of wild koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus): Insights from the 2019/20 fire season

You can see more recent papers that have cited this paper (6 papers), view this paper's reference list (45 papers), and find similar articles ("View Related Records") using the Citation Network:

screenshot showing citation network

Review Articles

When you are starting your research and exploring topics, it can be helpful to find a review paper (also called a literature review). This is a paper that summarizes and synthesizes primary research (individual studies published as research articles) on a topic. You can filter your search results to review papers under the Refine Results menu on the left.

screenshot showing literature types filter