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POLI SCI 109B: The Politics of Public Policy: Find Legislation (Federal)

Congressional Information

Use the below sources to help discover legislation and get an overview of the context in which it was enacted.

Use the below databases to obtain digital copies of congressional documents.

Congressional Members

Tracking U.S. Congressional Bills

Tracking a bill through Congress can be exciting.  The following links will allow you to track current bills, though there are many other similar sites and tools on the internet.

  • -- Official Congressional site.  Sign up for a free account, then search for the bill(s) you are interested in. 
  • -- Sign up for a free account, then search for the bill(s) you are interested in
  • -- Sign up for a free account, then search for the bill(s) you are interested in.

Background and Context

Trying to figure out what was influencing Congress is a goal of many researchers.  The following databases will allow you to search for  articles and books that will provide background and context into Congressional actions and proceedings. For current issues, another  good source to check are the major newspapers (Washington Post, NYT, etc).  Also consider following groups on issues you are interested in--many of these will put out statements on about/for/against legislation.