Below are some of the resource available in the Online Archive of California related to UC Berkeley anthropology:
Ethnological Documents of the Department and Museum of Anthropology, UC Berkeley (1875-1958)
Over fifty thousand items are organized in 872 folder-level PDFs in this major online archive of UC Berkeley anthropology (the originals are still available in the Bancroft Library). Includes manuscripts, fieldnotes, and other linguistic, ethnographic and ethnobotanical documents such as card files, news clippings, genealogical tables, charts, maps, drawings, and photographs. The collection focuses on the cultures, languages, geography, and customs of Indian groups in California. Much of this data was gathered by anthropology graduate students under the direction of Alfred L. Kroeber, and was transferred from the Museum of Anthropology to the Bancroft Library in 1970, and digitized from 139 microfilm reels in 2015.
Ethnographic Photographs from the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
Collections currently available in digital format include:
.... add notes
Records of the Department of Anthropology, 1901-[ongoing]
Syllabi and exam questions (1902-1948), reports and correspondence that include notes from Pliny Earl Goddard and from E.W. Gifford. during U.C. archaeological expeditions, as well as records of the anthropology museum, mainly prior to its being named the Lowie Museum of Anthropology in 1958. Location: UC Archives CU-23 [Finding aid available]
Unpublished Archaeological Manuscripts
Phoebe Hearst Museum. This is a list of fieldnotes, completed and partially finished site reports, and drawings, for sites in California and western North America. Includes unfinished University of California Archeological Survey (UCAS) reports, Contributions of the Archeological Research Facility, & other publications of the University of California, although many site reports and manuscripts formed the core for published documents elsewhere.