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Bio 1B Research Skills Guide: Frequently Asked Questions: Checking your score

Frequently asked questions about the Bio 1B Research Skills Tutorials.

Checking your score


How can I check my score for the Research Skills course?

To check your score for the online assignment,

  1. Access the bCourses message you received with your link to the assignment
  2. Click on the link to the online course in the e-mail
  3. On the edX Edge webpage for the course, click on the "Sign in" button
  4. Enter the e-mail address and password you used to register for the course.
  5. Once you have accessed the course, select the "Progress" tab: this will show you the individual scores on the questions. To see your graded answers,
  6. Click on the "Courseware" tab, and then navigate through your questions.
  7. If you answered a question correctly there should be a green check mark next to your answer. If you answered a question incorrectly, there should be a red "x" next to the answer.

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Elliott Smith
Bioscience, Natural Resources &
Public Health Library