Environmental Protection Agency
Full text of more than 7,000 archival and current EPA documents.
National Technical Reports Library (NTRL)
NTRL is the gateway to indexes, abstracts, and technical reports of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). The NTIS archives reports from the Departments of Defense, Energy, Transportation, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, and other government agencies. Some full text available.
NTRS: NASA Technical Reports Server
Coverage: 1920–present
Indexes technical reports, conference papers, journal articles, and other publications sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). NACA Reports, Technical Notes, and Technical Memoranda are full text from 1917–1958. Some NASA Reports are full text.
Energy-related research sponsored by the Department of Energy and its predecessors. Consolidates content from Information Bridge and Energy Citations Database.
Captures full-text computer science articles, papers, and technical reports freely available on the Web. Search the full-text documents or their citations.
Computing Research Repository (CoRR)
DOE Data Explorer (Department of Energy)
Scientific research data from DOE-sponsored research. Many datasets have specialized search interfaces and software tools to help analyze data.
DTIC Technical Report Collection
MultiSearch portal for the Department of Defense (DoD) unclassified/unlimited technical reports, Department of Energy (DoE) Energy Citations Database, NASA technical reports, Scitopia.org, and more. Some full text.
Energy Information Administration
Official energy statistics from the U.S. government.
E-print Network
Provides access to energy-related papers, draft journal articles, and technical reports produced by researchers at 250 sites throughout the country. Hosted by the Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
ETDE World Energy Base
Coverage: 1876–present
Contains technical reports, conference proceedings, journal articles, and books on energy related topics including research and development, policy and planning, renewable energy technologies, and more. Also indexes energy information from member countries of the International Energy Agency. Includes some full text.
Coverage: 1965–present
FIREDOC indexes approximately 55,000 reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and audiovisual items. It is published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and includes materials on building, construction engineering, and fire.
Hewlett-Packard Labs Technical Reports
Coverage: 1990–present
International Atomic Energy Agency
Most recent IAEA publications are available in full text. Includes publications from the Technical Reports Series, Safety Standards Series, Safety Reports Series, and Technical Documents (TECDOC) Series.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Click on "Reports Search" tab to search for full-text LLNL reports.
Microsoft Research Technical Reports
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Coverage: 1977–present
Indexes NREL technical reports, fact sheets, brochures, videos, books, journal articles, conference papers, patents, and exhibits covering subjects related to sustainable energy technologies. Some full text.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Publications via ADAMS
Coverage: 1999–present
Search for research and development reports, technical reports, and health, defense, environmental, and science resources from 12 major federal science agencies including the National Science Foundation, the Department of Interior, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
SKB - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management
Includes publications from the Technical Reports (TR) Series, R Reports Series, P Reports Series, and more. Most are full text.
TRAIL - Technical Reports Archive and Image Library
Search U.S. government technical reports issued primarily prior to 1976 and digitized by TRAIL.
Coverage: 1876–present
Searches across websites and databases from a number of international sources, including the content of the ETDE World Energy Base. Includes some full text.