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- KISS, Korean studies Information Service System
- :Full text articles, thesis, and dissertations in all subject
- KOSSDA, Korea Social Science Data Archive
- :The integrated database, Korean quantitative and qualitative data, and Full text articles in all politics, economy, business, and law field
- E-library for North Korea Studies
- :Full text journals of North Korea, mathematics, science subject
- Korea Studies Database
- :Full text articles and resources of Korean modern history
- Korean Database
- :The integrated database including various articles and resources in all subject
- DBpia, DataBase Periodical Information Academic
- :Full text articles, thesis, books, journals, and dictionaries in all subject
- E-article
- :Full text academic journals in all subject
- Korea A to Z, Database Media Contents Library
- :Catalog of Korean traditional history, health, science, and art
- Korean History & Culture Research Database
- :Full text of academic journals of Korean history and culture
- KSI e-book
- :Catalog of Korean e-books in all subject
- KERIS, Korean Educational and Rsearch Information Service
- :Many thesis, dissertations, and journals
- PQDT, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database
- :Full text thesis and dissertations of library Congress and graduate research