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Landscape Architecture 170: Searching Tips

History and Literature of Landscape Architecture

Finding Books

Note that for many topics you will not find an entire book; instead, you may find a chapter or an essay in a book focussed on a general aspect of your precedent (refer to your Brain Dump worksheet for ideas). Example: a book on urban parks might include information about Golden Gate Park. Check also for other useful subheadings, such as Bibliographies, History, Handbooks, etc. Guidebooks to cities may also have sections on parks, recreations and public gardens, so check subject headings such as Berkeley, Calif.--Description and travel.
For in-depth information about your topic, search the UC Library catalog  using the tips below and your notes on specific building names, designers, location, and date built.

Tips for Searching the Library Catalogs

In the UC Library catalog use keywords or subject headings to search for title, subject, author, or corporate author.

Use truncation or wildcards (* or ?) for variations of words (e.g. vatican*).

by time period:
Architecture, Postmodern
Gardens, Renaissance
Landscape Architecture, 20th century

by type of landscape or site:
Gardens, Islamic 
Landscape gardening

Urban parks
Water in landscape architecture

by location by city, state, or country:  
Landscape Architecture--New York

Search for a specific landscape architect or designer:
Burle Marx, Roberto
Gustafson, Kathryn
Kiley, Dan

by specific project or site:
Biltmore Estate--North Carolina 
Golden Gate Park--San Francisco, California 

Taj Mahal--India

by firms or organizations using corporate authors such as:
Hargreaves Associates 
American Society of Landscape Architects
Olmsted Brothers