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On the Same Page 2016: Just Mercy: Finding More

Use this research guide to further explore the themes of this year's On the Same Page book

Finding Article Databases

Search an article database to find citations (title, author, title of journal, date, page numbers) for articles on a particular topic.  The Library gives you access to over 200 article databases covering different disciplines.

  1. Think about which academic disciplines might write about your topic.  Examples:  literature, film, anthropology, history...
  2. From the Library home page, click on "Find + borrow", select "Collections" from the dropdown menu, and choose the "Use Berkeley's electronic databases" box.
  3. Select the appropriate academic disciplines and then look for "Recommended" databases.

"Collections" link from the UC Berkeley Library homepage




Examples of Useful Article Databases

The search box on the Library home page  ("Start Your Search") searches the Library Catalog -  http://oskicat.berkeley.eduOskiCat and many, but not all, article databases. See the guide for more details.

Sample Searches

"black lives matter"
"juvenile justice"
"criminal justice reform*"
criminalization of mental illness
"criminal justice" women
"prison industrial complex"
"prison abolition"
privatization of prison*


  • in ProQuest Social Sciences and "Start Your Search" along with many other article databases, you can select a checkbox to limit your results to scholarly articles
  • quotes keep terms together as a phrase (ex:  "global warming")
  • * = truncation/wildcard symbol; retrieves alternative word endings (child* = child, childs, children, childhood, childish...)


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