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History of Mathematics

Guide to materials about the history and teaching of mathematics held by The Bancroft Library.

Rare Books

The Bancroft collection of books on the history of mathematics is particularly strong. The collection includes works from the 15th century such as Euclid’s Elementa Geometriae from 1482 and 18th and 19th century textbooks from the United States, Mexico, and Europe. The Bancroft Library continues to acquire new materials on the history of mathematics.


Title page of first English edition of EuclidThe Elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Evclide of Megara
Imprinted at London : By Iohn Daye. 1570




Here is a sample of the major treatises that The Bancroft Library holds:


Apollonius, of Perga.

Elementa conica Apollonii Pærgei ; et, Archimedi opera, noua & breuiori methodo demonstrata


Romaæ: Apud Mascardum

QA31.A6 1679


Archimedes., author.

Archimedis opera non nulla


Venetiis: Apud Paulum Manutium, Aldi f.

f QA31 .A7 1558


Brahe, Tycho, 1546-1601.

Tychonis Brahe astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata.: Quorum haec prima pars. De restitutione motuum solis et lunae stellarumque inerrantium tractat.: Et praetereá de admirandâ nova stella anno 1572 exortâ luculenter agit.: Praemissa est authoris vita..

M. DC. III. 1603

Typis inchoata Vraniburgi Daniae.; Absoluta Pragae Bohemiae: publisher not identified

QB41 .B73 1603


Diophantus, of Alexandria.

Diophanti Alexandrini arithmeticorum libri sex, et De numeris multangulis liber vnus: cum commentariis C.G. Bacheti V.C. & obseruationibus D.P. de Fermat senatoris Tolosani; accessit Doctrinae analyticae inuentum nouum, collectum ex varijs eiusdem D. de Fermat epistolis.


Tolosae: Excudebat Bernardus Bosc, è regione Collegij Societatis Iesu

 f QA31 D5 1670



Preclarissimus liber elementorum Euclidis perspicacissimi: in artem geometrie incipit qua[m] foelicissime.

25 May 1482

Venice: Erhard Ratdolt

f II8.V3 R28 1482e



The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Evclide of Megara


Imprinted at London: By Iohn Daye

f QA31 .E83 1570


Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783.

Introductio in analysin infinitorum.


Lausannae, M. M. Bousquet

QA302.E8 I59 1748


Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642.

Le operationi del compasso geometrico, e militare. Lettore delle matematiche nello studio di Padoua. Dedicato al serenissimo d. Cosimo Medici, principe di Toscana.


Bologna, H.H. del Dozza

QA33 .G3 1656 copy 2


Kepler, Johannes, 1571-1630.

Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized]: sev physica coelestis, tradita commentariis de motibvs stellae Martis, ex observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe, jussu & sumptibus Rvdolphi II ... plurimum annorum pertinaci studio elaborata Pragae ...


Heidelberg: G. Voegelinus

F QB41 .K32 1609


Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727, author.

Philosophia naturalis principia mathematica

anno MDCLXXXVII 1687

Londini: Jussu Societatis Regiae ac typis Iosephi Streater, prostat apud plures bibliopolas

QA803 .A3 1687


Ptolemy, active 2nd century.

Almagestu[m] Cl. Ptolemei: Pheludiensis Alexandrini astronomo[rum] principis ...

1515 Die. 10. Ja

F QB41.P76.A6 1515




This LibGuide was created by Susan McElrath, formerly of The Bancroft Library.