Annual ReviewsThis link opens in a new windowAnnual Reviews publishes dozens of journals in several subject areas that capture the current understanding of a topic, including what is well supported and what is controversial; set the work in historical context; and highlight the major questions that remain to be addressed.
Cambridge Structural Database System (CSDS)This link opens in a new windowA repository for small small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures containing the results of x-ray and neutron diffraction analyses
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) System comprises the database itself, and accompanying software for database creation (PreQuest), search and information retrieval (ConQuest), structure visualisation (Mercury), statistical analysis (VISTA) and the knowledge bases IsoStar and Mogul.. The database contains published crystallographic data on organic, organometallic, and metal complex structures
CHEMnetBASEThis link opens in a new windowA collection of chemical dictionaries and handbooks providing descriptions, properties and uses for various compounds and substances. (CRCnetBASE)
A collection of chemical dictionaries and handbooks providing descriptions, properties and uses for various compounds and substances.
EmbaseThis link opens in a new windowSearch for biomedical literature citations. Embase is a key resource for conducting systematic reviews and researching evidence-based medicine. [dates vary]
Indexes journals, including many not in Medline, from over 90 countries, and indexes conference abstracts from many conferences. Broad biomedical scope with strong coverage in drug, pharmaceutical, and toxicological research including economic evaluation.
GeoRefThis link opens in a new windowIndexes scholarly journals, books, maps, US and Canadian dissertations, conference proceedings, reports, and government documents published worldwide on geology and other subjects within the geosciences. [1785 - present]
Includes all publications of the USGS. Database covers the geology of North America from 1693 to present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to present.
GeoScienceWorldThis link opens in a new windowProvides full-text access to core journals from a variety of geosciences publishers.
Also includes GeoRef for searching across citations and abstracts from additional journals and conferences in the geosciences.
IEEE XploreThis link opens in a new windowJournal and magazine articles, conference papers, and standards published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [1872 - present]
Indexes IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988 and all current IEEE standards. It also includes IEE publications for the same time period (IEE is the
Optica Publishing GroupThis link opens in a new windowOSA Publishing's Digital Library offers the largest collection of peer-reviewed optics and photonics content. (Optical Society of America)
KnovelThis link opens in a new windowFind technical information as well as analytical and search tools for the engineering community.
Collection of over 8000 engineering and scientific reference handbooks, texts, and databases. Can be searched by topic across the aggregated set, or users can browse the content of a specific title. Advanced features include numerical range searching and interactive graphs and tables.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowIndexes journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, and book series in the sciences and more.
Contains over 50 million records with more than half the content originating from outside North America. Indexes over 21,000 journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, and book series in the sciences, technology, medicine, arts, and humanities.
SPIE Digital LibraryThis link opens in a new windowProvides access to full-text papers from SPIE proceedings and journals. [1990 - present]
SPIE is the International Society for Optical Engineering.
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowIndexes leading journals in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences. Allows cited reference searching. (ISI Web of Knowledge) [1900 - present]
Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present), Science Citation Index Expanded (1900-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1900-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), and Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-present).
ASM Handbooks OnlineThis link opens in a new windowProvides data and background information on materials properties, processes, performance, and selection. Covers metals as well as engineered materials such as composites, ceramics, and plastics.
CINDAS Microelectronics and Composite Materials Database (MCMD)This link opens in a new windowContains data on thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging materials, including over 750 materials and over 15,000 data curves. Dynamic graphing capabilities allow users to compare the same property of multiple materials, change scale ranges, and export data.
Contains data on thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging materials, including over 750 materials and over 15,000 data curves. Dynamic graphing capabilities allow users to compare the same property of multiple materials, change scale ranges, and export data.
84th edition which includes the revised Physical Constants of Organic Compounds table, new data on chemical carcinogens, an expanded Critical constants table, and more.
NIST Web Thermo Tables (WTT)This link opens in a new windowFind critically evaluated thermodynamic property data for pure compounds with a primary focus on organics
Access to this resource will be discontinued effective 2024 due to library budget cuts.
Web version of the TRC Thermodynamic Tables (Hydrocarbons and Non-Hydrocarbons). Contains critically evaluated thermodynamic property data, primarily for pure organic compounds. There are eight property groups in the WTT: (1) critical properties, (2) vapor pressure and boiling temperatures, (3) phase transition properties, (4) volumetric properties, (5) heat capacities and derived properties, (6) transport properties, (7) refraction, surface tension, and speed of sound, and (8) reaction state-change properties. Not all properties have been evaluated for all compounds. Various search options based on compound information (empirical formula, partial name, molecular weight) as well as specific property requests are provided.
ReaxysThis link opens in a new windowFind property, reaction, synthesis, and bibliographic information for chemicals.
A web-based interface for three chemical information databases, Beilstein, Gmelin and the Patent Chemistry Database (PCD). Structure, reaction and citation searching are possible. Reaxys is a key resource for locating information on how to synthesis organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds. It is also a good source for critically evaluated data on on physical, chemical, spectral, bioactivity, or toxicological properties of chemical compounds.
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