The Hargrove Music Library holds a significant number of microform sets containing primary source collections of music from other libraries. The tables below list titles of significant collections of music manuscripts, printed music, libretti, and other materials, their call numbers, and the printed guides listing individual manuscripts contained in each collection. The contents of English microform sources can be searched online via Primary Source Media .
Collection | Call Number | Guide |
European Music Manuscripts in the British Library: Austrian, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Other European Music, ca. 1640-1820 | MICROFILM A2736 | ML136.L8B75 1998 Ref Desk |
European Music Manuscripts before 1820 in the Biblioteca da Ajuda, Lisbon | MICROFILM A2738 | ML136.L5A52 Ref Desk |
Italian Music Manuscripts in the British Library, London Series A-D: c.1640-c.1820 | MICROFILM A1450 | ML136.L8I82 1987 Ref Desk |
Music Manuscripts from the Great English Collections 1. Music Collections of the Bodleian Library, Oxford 2. Music Collection of St. Michael's College, Tenbury 3. Music Collection of Christ Church, Oxford 4. British Library Music Manuscript Collection 5. Music Collection of the Royal College of Music 6. Music Collections of the Cambridge Libraries 7. Music Collection of the Royal Academy of Music 8. Music Manuscripts in Major Private Collections: The Gerald Coke Handel Collection 9. Music Collections of Chapel and Cathedral Libraries Part I: St. George's Chapel, Windsor |
MICROFILM A1415 A1416 A1417 A1418 A1419 A1420 A1458 A1449 A2759 |
online Guide from Gale ML136.O9B56 1979 Ref Desk ML136.T4S31 1986 Ref Desk see also ML136.T4S3 Ref ML136.O9C49 1981 Ref Desk see also ML136.O9C5 Ref ML136.L8B6 1983 Ref Desk see also ML136.L8B7 Ref; ML138.B8K4 Ref ML136.L8R75 1983 Ref Desk ML136.C412L4 1987 Ref Desk see also ML136.C412.F57 Ref ML136.L8R63 1988 Ref Desk ML136.M87 1988 Ref Desk ML136.W47S3 1991 Ref Desk |
Music Manuscripts, 1500-1793, from the National Library of Scotland | MICROFILM A2733 | See Catalog record for contents |
Music Manuscripts of the Classical and Romantic Eras Series One: Autograph Music Manuscripts from the Musikbibliothek der Stadt Leipzig Part 1: Music Manuscripts of Bach, Haydn, Haendel and Mendelssohn |
MICROFILM A2067 | ML136.L4 M8 2002 pt.1 Ref Desk |
Musikhandschriften der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz
1. Die Bach-Sammlung |
MICROFICHE M69 M107 M156 |
ML136.B5.S735 1997 Ref Desk ML136.B5 S736 2001 Ref Desk ML136.B5.S737 1997 Ref Desk |
Die Musikhandschriften der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg | MICROFICHE M88 | Z929.A14.A94 1974 v.1 Ref |
Die Musikhandschriften der Universitaetsbibliothek Muenchen | MICROFICHE M64 | ML136.M8.G67 Ref |
The Pembroke Choir Books and Other Music Manuscripts from Pembroke College, Cambridge | MICROFILM A2370 | ML136.C412 P36 1996 |
The Ricasoli Collection [University of Louisville] | MICROFILM A1625 | ML136.L69R5 1989 Ref Desk |
20th Century Composers 1. The Music Manuscripts of Sir Michael Tippett, Sir Arthur Bliss and Gerald Finzi 2. The Elgar Diaries, Letters and Manuscripts from Birmingham University Library |
MICROFILM A1745 | ML135.T845 1992 Ref Desk |
Collection | Call Number | Guide |
Early Music from Low Countries Libraries
I.-IV., VI. [see Music from Dutch Libraries] |
Ref Desk ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.7 ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.8 ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.9 |
French Opera Scores, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague | MICROFICHE M84 | ML136.H25G557 1983 Ref Desk |
Die Haydn-Drucke der Hoboken-Sammlung, Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien | MICROFICHE M97 | ML136.V6N34 1982 v.6-9 Ref Desk |
Jewish Sheet Music from the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine | MICROFILM A1627 | ML136.K554.V4 1992 Ref Desk |
Jewish Sheet Music from the National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg | MICROFILM A2089 | ML136.S14.D8 1997 Ref Desk |
Keyboard Music, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague | MICROFICHE M83 | ML136.H25G545 1987 Ref Desk see also ML136.H25G555 1987 Ref Desk |
Lincoln Cathedral Library Music Collection: 17th-19th Centuries | MICROFILM A1421 | ML136.L8L5 1985 Ref Desk |
Music for Solo Instrument and Ensemble, from Dutch Music Libraries | MICROFICHE M80 | ML136.H25G547 1988 Ref Desk |
Music from Dutch Libraries
I. Concertos before 1820 |
Ref Desk ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.1 ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.2 ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.3 ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.4 ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.6 |
Die Musikdrucke der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg, 1488-1630 | MICROFICHE M89 | MUSI CDR13 |
Opera Collection, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague | MICROFICHE M86 | ML136.H25G556 1984 Ref Desk |
Opera Collection, Supplement 1, from Dutch Music Libraries | MICROFICHE M87 | ML136.H25G5561 2000 Ref Desk |
Printed Music at Christ Church Library, Oxford | MICROFILM A1925 | ML136.O9C7 1998 Ref Desk |
Printed Music before 1800: The Music Collection of the British Library | MICROFILM A1454 | ML136.L8B6 1987 Ref Desk see also ML113.R45 Ser. A & Ser. B, v.1:1; ML136.L8.B73 Ref |
Thomas A. Edison Collection of American Sheet Music, from the Music Library, University of Michigan | MICROFILM A2737 | ML136.A144E3 2000 Ref Desk Online Guide from Gale |
Westminster Abbey Library: The Early Printed and Manuscript Music | MICROFILM A1422 | ML136.L8W4 1984 Ref Desk |
The Women Composers Collection, from the Holdings of the Women Composers Collection, the Music Library, University of Michigan | MICROFILM A1804 | ML128.W7W7 1998 Ref Desk |
Collection | Call Number | Guide |
Libretti: die bis 1800 erschienenen Textbuecher, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbuettel |
MICROFICHE M4 | ML136.W65H42 Ref Desk |
Albert Schatz Collection of Opera Librettos, Library of Congress | MICROFILM AA2364 | See Library of Congress Catalogue of Opera Librettos, ML136.U5O6 Ref |
Venetian Opera Libretti, UCLA | MICROFILM AA2628 | ML136.L842.U682 1993 Ref Online Guide from Gale |
Collection | Call Number | Guide |
Internationale Musik-Sachlexika vom 17. bis zum fruehen 19. Jahrhundert = International Dictionaries of Musical Terms from the 17th to Early 19th Century | MICROFICHE M78 | M108 .I58 1999 Ref Desk |
Music from Dutch Libraries Part V. Historical Organ Collection: The Batz and Witte Archive |
MICROFICHE M102 | ML136.H25G54 1993 pt.5 Ref Desk |
Music Journals from the National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg (1902-1914) |
Technical Drawings of Musical Instruments Gemeentemuseum, The Hague |
MICROFICHE M81 | ML136.H25G574 1995 Ref Desk |
The Music Library also holds a significant number of printed facsimile editions of works by a number of composers. Generally shelved at M2.8 in Case X (Special Collections), this material is, unfortunately, not browsable. Instead, use UC Library Search and in an advanced search enter the term "facsimiles" (plural) as a SUBJECT and add a composer last name as AUTHOR in a second search box.
Take the call number to the Circulation Desk so the item can be retrieved from Special Collections.