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3 Education: Historical Textbooks: Home


Library collections

  • UC Berkeley: The Library owns a collection of early readers and primers donated by Berkeley alum Jack Graves). Go to UC Library Search and search keywords: jack graves early reader collection.
  • Stanford University: Cubberley Education Library houses a collection of historical textbooks.
  • California State Library: Search the CSL catalog under [Series]: California State Series
  • Harvard Graduate School of Education: Gutman Library also maintains a Historical Textbooks Collection. Scroll down on this guide to see a list of other historical textbook collections.
  • Center for Research Libraries (CRL): textbook collection includes U.S. imprints of primary and secondary schoolbooks, textbooks for post-high school non-degree schools such as business and trade schools, and foreign language grammars and readers through college level. The publication dates range from the 18th century, although most holdings were published in the 20th century. This collection was formed by deposits from member libraries and is maintained through retrospective deposits. There are 70,000 volumes in the collection occupying 8,000 linear feet of shelf space.
    • Search the CRL Catalog by topic and then limit the results by [Location: Textbooks]

Online sources