This series of workshops is designed to help graduate and undergraduate students work with qualitative and textual data. Sessions include cleaning and coding qualitative data in MaxQDA and the open-source Taguette program, organizing and writing up research projects in Scrivener, and archiving qualitative data once a project has been completed. Each workshop is designed to act as a starting point for learning concepts and will familiarize attendees with additional resources for getting help.
Archiving data with the Qualitative Data Repository (QDR)
Wednesday, January 26th: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Virtual over Zoom (details will be emailed following registration)
Instructors: Dessi Kirilova and Sebastian Karcher
In this webinar, researchers will learn about options for sharing qualitative data, with a focus on the Qualitative Data Repository, in which UC Berkeley is an institutional member. Researchers at QDR will show how their qualitative deposits work and explain how sensitive data can be securely shared under varying levels of access control. More broadly, researchers will gain a better understanding of qualitative data sharing norms and practices in the social sciences and public health, and of simple steps they can take to manage qualitative research materials which will help them stay organized in their own work and enable future archiving and re-use of the materials they so carefully collect. This webinar is designed for anyone who uses qualitative or multi-method techniques in their research, such as faculty, graduate students, and independent researchers—and the staff who support them—and is especially timely for those applying for federal or nonprofit funding who need to prepare a data management plan (DMP) for their qualitative research projects.
What do I do with all of this text? Cleaning and coding data for qualitative analysis
Tuesday, February 15th: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual over Zoom (details will be emailed following registration)
Instructors: Celia Emmelhainz and Anna Sackmann
In this workshop, attendees will learn to clean spreadsheet data and anonymize interview data in preparation for analysis in Taguette, a free qualitative analysis software. Through hands-on work with sample texts, participants will learn to import, code, and export qualitative data, and gain an understanding of how coding fits into the broader qualitative research lifecycle. Attendees will also learn to move from the mechanics of coding to thinking more conceptually about their data. Finally, we will talk about how to share qualitative data for future use or reuse. This workshop is designed for those with beginner-intermediate experience with qualitative research, but all are welcome.
This workshop is being offered as part of Love Data Week 2022.
REGISTERGetting Started with MaxQDA
Monday, March 14th: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Virtual over Zoom (details will be emailed following registration)
Instructors: Celia Emmelhainz and Erin Foster
In this workshop, attendees will receive an overview of the qualitative data analysis program, MaxQDA. Attendees will learn how to import into MaxQDA, basics of how to code data, and how to export from the program. Examples will include both structured data (i.e., survey data) as well as interview/transcript data. This workshop is intended for UCB researchers (faculty, students, and staff) across disciplines who generate/use qualitative data in their research.
REGISTERIntroduction to Scrivener
Monday, April 18th: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Virtual over Zoom (details will be emailed following registration)
Instructors: Celia Emmelhainz and Stacy Reardon
Come to this workshop to explore Scrivener, a software program that allows you to organize the many components of writing an academic paper, thesis, fiction book, or nonfiction book. This software can also be used to note ideas, outline, rearrange writing structures, and track changes as your ideas evolve. Join UC Berkeley's librarians, Stacy Reardon and Celia Emmelhainz, to learn the basics on either Mac or PC, and and get started with your own projects! If you'd like to follow along, download the 30 day free trial here.