Below are a few of the more widely-used interdisciplinary, scholarly networking tools. Being part of a network may help you find collaborators and publicize your work more widely. Discipline-specific online networking communities also exist.
More on networking for researchers:
In addition to using your networks to raise awareness of your research and publications, here are other tips and tools:
Using an author ID will help distinguish you from other authors with similar names and will make sure that all your research output is grouped together - both good steps in broadening your impact. Registering for an ORCID identifier is a great place to start!
There are several initiatives to try to develop reward systems that recognize researchers' contributions beyond their publications in 'top' journals. Here are a few:
Addressing the 'broader impacts' of your research is a requirement for some grants, like the National Science Foundation (NSF) grants. Here are a few resources devoted to broader impacts: