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Microform sets by Subject: Southeast Asia Studies

Southeast Asia Map

Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,

Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), 

Philippines, Singapore, Thailand

and Vietnam


Selected microform sets on Southeast Asia

British intelligence on Siam (Thailand) and mainland Southeast Asia, c. 1887-1948

Catalogue of the Library of the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 

Communist Party of Indonesia : P.K.I. documents and serials, 1952-1965.

Confidential print, Siam, (Thailand) and South-east Asia, 1882-June 1937 : correspondence relating to Siam and to the countries of Indo-China, Indonesia and the Malayan Peninsula, but excluding Borneo and Sulu.

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Indochina, 1945-1949.

Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Indonesia, 1960-January 1963.

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Philippine Republic, 1955-1959.

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Vietnam 1960-January 1963.

Despatches from United States Ministers to Siam, 1882-1905.

Dutch colonial documents, 1908-1929, including writings of Indonesian nationalist leaders from the 1910s and 1920s, materials on labor and social unrest in Java, etc.

Dutch political conflict with the Republic of Indonesia, 1945-1949.  Pts.1-3.

Dutch trade in Asia, c. 1800-1835 : papers of Hendrik Doeff on Japan and the East Indies.

FBI file on POWs and MIAs in Southeast Asia.

History of the Vietnam War.

Indonesia memories van overgave.

Indonesian Hajj : the pilgrimage to Mecca from the Netherlands East Indies, 1872-1950.

Indonesian Nationalist Movement.

[Indonesian newspapers, 1916-1942]

Labor issues in Indonesia, 1979-1995 : press clippings and other documentation from the INDOC Archives.

Papers of colonial advisers on politics, culture and religion in the Netherlands Indies, c. 1895-1949.

Philippine documents in the Ayer Collection of the Newberry Library.

Philippine radical papers.

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs, Cambodia 1960-January 1963.

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs Thailand, 1945-1954.

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs Thailand, 1955-1963

Records of the U.S. State Department : Laos, political relations and governmental affairs, February 1963 – 1966.

Records of trials of accused Japanese war criminals tried at Manila, Philippines, by a Military Commission convened by the commanding general of the United States Army in the Western Pacific, 1945-1947.

Vernacular press in the Netherland Indies c. 1855-1925.

Vietnam land reform : special collection.

War and decolonization in Indonesia, 1940-1980.