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Theater and Performing Arts: Reference Sources

Why Use Reference Sources?

These tools-—encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks & guides, directories, etc. listed below—will acquaint you with the significant terms, ideas, and people in your topic. They are often used to answer quick questions efficiently or to provide background information about a topic. Recommended quick start: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre & Performance or North American Theatre Online

For a list of reference sources available for online searching in all subject areas see the UC Berkeley Library web page on Databases by Type


Acting: an International encyclopedia. Ed. Beth Osnes. Santa Barbara, California; Denver Colorado : ABC-CLIO, c2001. Main Stack PN 2035 .O84 2001

Analytical sourcebook of concepts in dramatic theory. Oscar Lee Brownstein and Darlene M. Daubert. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Doe Reference PN 1631 .B7

Critical survey of drama.  Ed. Carl Rollyson.  2nd rev. ed.  8 vols.  Pasedena, CA: Salem Press, 2003.  Doe Reference  PN1625. C68 2003

Enciclopedia dello spettacolo. Roma: Casa editrice Le Maschere, 1954-62. Doe Reference, Music Reference PN 1625.E52
Still the most comprehensive international performing arts encyclopedia.

Enciclopedia dello spettacolo: Aggriornamento 1955-1965. Roma: Unione Editoriale, 1955-65. Doe Reference PN 1625 .E52 agg

Encyclopedia of Asian theatre.  Ed. Samuel L. Leiter.  Westport: Greenwood, 2007. 2 vols.  Doe Reference PN 2860.E53 2007

Encyclopedia of Latin American theater. Edited by Eladio Cortes and Mirta Barrea-Marlys. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2003. Doe Refe PQ7082.D7 E63 2003

Encyclopedia of stage lighting.  Jody Briggs.  Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland,  2003.   Main PN2091.E4.B66 2003                                

The encyclopedia of the New York stage, 1920-1930. v.1  and v.2Samuel L. Leiter. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1985. Doe Reference PN 2277 .N5 .L36 1985  via North American Theatre Online

The encyclopedia of the New York stage, 1930-1940. Samuel L. Leiter. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. Doe Reference PN 2277 .N5 .L364 1989

The encyclopedia of the New York stage, 1940-1950. Samuel L. Leiter. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992. Doe Reference PN 2277 .N5 .L365 1992   via North American Theatre Online

The encyclopedia of world theater: with 420 illustrations and an index of play titles. New York : Scribner, 1977. NRLF PN 2035 .E52 1977 Moffitt PN 2035 .E52 1977

Historical dictionary of African Amrican theater.  Anthony D. Hill with Douglas Q. Barnett.  Lanham: Scarecrow, 2009.  Doe Reference PN 2270.A35.H53 2009

The historical encyclopedia of costume. Albert Racinet. New York, N.Y.: Facts on File, 1988. Main and NRLF fGT510.R3313 1988

McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of world drama, 2d ed. Doe Reference fPN 1625 .M3 1984; NRLF fPN 1625 .M3 1984

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre & Performance. Edited by Dennis Kennedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. 2 vols. Doe Reference PN 2035 .O92 2003  

Performing Arts Encyclopedia, August Friedrich von. Pauly. Doe Reference DE 5 .P3 1957 Art History/Classics Library and Doe Reference  DE 5 .P3 1957

Vaudeville old & new: an encyclopedia of variety performers in America.  Frank Cullen et. al.  New York: Routledge. 2007.  PN 1968.U5.C85 2007 

The world encyclopedia of contemporary theatre. Ed. Don Rubin. London; New York: Routledge, 1994-2000. 6 vols. Main PN 2035 .W67 1994


The Cambridge companion to medieval English theatre. Edited by Richard Beadle and Alan J. Fletcher.  2nd ed.   Cambridge, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Main Stack PN 2587 .C36 2008

The Cambridge companion to English Renaissance drama. Edited by A.R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway. 2nd ed. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Main Stack PR 651 .C36 2003

The Cambridge guide to African and Caribbean theatre. Edited by Martin Banham, Errol Hill, George Woodyard. Cambridge; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Doe Reference PN 2969 .C36 1994

The Cambridge guide to American theatre.  Ed. by Don B. Wilmeth.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Doe Reference PN 2220 .C35 2007

The Cambridge guide to Asian theatre. Edited by James R. Brandon. Cambridge; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Doe Reference PN 2860 .C35 1993

The Cambridge guide to theatre.  Ed. by Martin Banham.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Doe Reference PN 2035 .C27 1995

A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Drama, Ed. by David Krasner. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2005. Main  PS350 .C655 2005 

The Continuum companion to twentieth century theatre. Edited by Colin Chambers. London; New York : Continuum, 2002. Doe Reference PN 2035 .C65 2002
The Continuum companion to twentieth century theatre, 2006. 

Key concepts in drama and performance.  Kenneth Pickering.  2d ed.  New York: Palgrave, 2010.  Main PN 1579.P53 2010

The Oxford companion to the theatre. 4th ed.  Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.  Doe Reference PN 2035 .H3 1983   
The Concise Oxford Companion to the Theatre, 2nd ed., 2003
The Oxford Companion to Theatre and Performance, 2010  

The Oxford Companion to American Theatre. 3rd ed.  Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Doe Reference  PN 2220 .B6 2004   

The Oxford Companion to the American Musical, 2009

The Oxford Companion to Indian Theatre, 3rd ed., 2011

Biographical Sources

This list contains some places to begin your research.  Newspapers can be useful as can the Literature Research Center or the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (British) or the American National Biography (U.S.).

Biographical Index of English Drama Before 1660
“This index is a complete annotated list of all playwrights, actors, patrons, musicians, and miscellaneous other people active in English drama before 1660. Each entry contains basic information about the person's dates and dramatic activities, along with a list of books and articles containing biographical information.”

American and British theatrical biography : a directory. J. P. Wearing. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1979. Doe Reference PN 2285 .W42 Biographies

American playwrights since 1945: a guide to scholarship, criticism, and performance. Ed. Philip C. Kolin. New York: Greenwood Press, c1989. Main Stack and Doe Reference (Biogs) PS350 .A12 .A53 1989

A biographical dictionary of actors, actresses, musicians, dancers, managers & other stage personnel in London, 1660-1800. Philip H. Highfill, Jr., Kalman A. Burnim, and Edward A. Langhans.  16 vols. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1973-1993.
Main Stack PN 2597 .H54 Music Reference PN 2597 .H54

Contemporary theatre, film, and television. Detroit: Gale Research, 1984- Doe Reference PN 2285 .C58 Biographies

Contemporary women dramatists. Editor, K.A. Berney. London ; Detroit : St. James Press, c1994. Doe Reference PR 736 .C58 1994 Biographies

A dictionary of actors and of other persons associated with the public representation of plays in England before 1642. Edwin Nungezer. New Haven, Yale university press; London, H. Milford, Oxford university press, 1929. Main Stack PN 2597 .N8 1929

Notable names in the American theatre. New and rev. Edited by N.J. Clifton, J. T. White, 1976. Doe Reference PN 2285 .B45 1976 Biographies Main Stack PN 2285 .B45 1976

Performing arts biography master index : a consolidated index to over 270,000 biographical sketches. Ed. Barbara McNeil. 2nd ed. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Company, c1981. Moffitt PN 1583 .M37 1981

Solo performers : an international registry, 1770-2000. John Cairney. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c2001. Main Stack PN 1936 .C35 2001

Stage deaths : a biographical guide to international theatrical obituaries, 1850 to 1990. Compiled by George B. Bryan. New York : Greenwood Press, 1991. Doe Reference PN 2205 .A12 .S734 1991 Biographies

Stage lives : a bibliography and index to theatrical biographies in English. Compiled by George B. Bryan. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1985. Doe Reference PN2205 .A12 .S781 1985 Biographies

Variety obits : an index to obituaries in Variety, 1905-1978. Jeb H. Perry. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1980. Doe Refe (Biogs)PN 1583 .P4 Ref

Who's who in contemporary world theatre. Edited by Daniel Meyer-Dinkgrafe. London ; New York : Routledge, 2000. Doe Reference PN 2035 .W485 2000 Biographies

Who's who in the theatre. Also titled: New dramatic list; Dramatic list. London : Pitman ; Detroit : Gale Research, 1st (1912)-17th (1981). Main Stack PN 2012 .W5; NRLF PN 2012 .W5

Who was who in the theatre, 1912-1976 : a biographical dictionary of actors, actresses, directors, playwrights, and producers of the English-speaking theatre. Compiled from Who's who in the theatre, volumes 1-15 (1912 1972). Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1978.
Doe Reference PN 2597 .W52 Biographies


American dissertations on the drama and the theatre; a bibliography. Fredric M. Litto. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1969. Main Stack PN 1654.A12 L56

Theatre Journal. Baltimore, Md. Published by the Johns Hopkins University Press in cooperation with the Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Main Stack PN 3171 .E38
Annual compilation of dissertations in progress are reported in the May issue. Recent issues are available through Project Muse.


New York Public Library. Catalog of the theatre and drama collections. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1967-76. 51 vols. Main Stack PN 1654 .A12 .N4 and  2  Supplements

The player's library, the catalogue of the Library of the British Drama League. London, Faber and Faber, 1950. NRLF Z 2014 .D7 .B7 1950

Twentieth-century British and American theatre : a critical guide to archives. Christopher Innes. Aldershot, England ; Brookfield, Vt. : Ashgate, c1999. Main PN 2266 .A12 .I56 1999


Boulanger, Norman C and Warren C. Lounsbury.  Theatre lighting from A to Z.  Seattle: Univ of Washington Press, 1992.   Main PN 2091.E4.B59 1992

Briggs, Jody.   Encyclopedia of stage lighting.   Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland,  2003.   Main PN2091.E4.B66 2003   

Fraser, Neil.  Stage lighting explained.  Marlborough: Crowood, 2002.  Main PN2091.E4.F732 2002

Keller, Max.  Light fantastic: the art and design of stage lighting, comp. by Max Keller with Johannes Weiss.  2nd rev. and updated ed.  Munich, New York: Prestel, 2006.   Main PN2091.E4.K45 2006

Pilbrow, Richard.  Stage lighting design: the art, the craft, the life.  New York: By Design Press, 1997.      Environmental Design Library and Main  PN2091.E4.P52 1997

Swift, Charles L. Introduction to stage lighting: the fundamentals of theatre lighting design.  Colorado Springs: Meriwether, 2004.  Main PN2091.E4.S95 2004

Cassin-Scott, Jack.  Costumes and settings for historical plays.  5 vols. Studio City: Players Press, 2005-2008.  5 vols.  Updated with new illus.  Main PN 2067.C32 2005 

Cassin-Scott, Jack.  Costumes and settings for staging historical plays. 5 vols.  Boston: Plays, Inc. 1979-1980.   Main   PN 2067.C33 1979

James, Thurston.  The what, where, when of theater props: an illustrated chronology from arrowheads to video games.  Cincinatti: Better Way  Books, 2003.  Berkeley Public Library, UC Davis, UCLA, UC San Diego


An annotated dictionary of technical, historical, and stylistic terms relating to theatre and drama : a handbook of dramaturgy. R. Kerry White. Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 1995. Doe Reference PN 2035 .W48 1995

Dictionnaire du théâtre. Patrice Davis.  Paris: : A. Colin, 2002.   Rev. ed. Main Stack PN 2035 .P3 2002

Dictionary of the theatre : terms, concepts, and analysis. Patrice Pavis; translated by Christine Shantz Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, 1998. Doe Reference PN 2035 .P2913 1998

Historical dictionary of contemporary American theater, 1930-2010. Ed., James Fisher. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2011. [via Ebrary]

Historical dictionary of Japanese traditional theatre.Samuel L. Leiter. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2006. Main Stack and East Asian Library Reference PN 2921 .L45 2006

International dictionary of theatre. Edited by Mark Hawkins-Dady. Chicago : St. James Press, 1992-1996. 3 vols. Doe Reference PN 2035 .I49 1992

An International dictionary of theatre language. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985. Doe Reference PN 2035 .I51 1985

The Language of theatre. Martin Harrison. New York: Routledge, 1998. Main Stack PN 2035 .H297 1998

The new Penguin dictionary of the theatre. Ed Jonathan Law, etc. Rev. and enlarged ed. London : Penguin Books, 2001. Doe Reference  PN 2035 .N474 2001

The Oxford Dictionary of Plays, 2nd ed., 2015. Also: The Oxford dictionary of Plays. Michael Patterson. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, c2005.

The Routledge dictionary of performance and contemporary theatre, Patrice Pavis,  trans. by Andrew Brown. [via Ebrary]

The theatre guide. Trevor R. Griffiths. 3rd ed. London : A. & C. Black, 2003. Doe Reference PN 2035 .G73 2003b


American and English Popular Entertainment: A Guide to Information Sources. Don B. Wilmeth. Detroit: Gale Research Co., c1980. Main Stack and Moffitt GV 1815 .A12 .W53

American Theater and Drama Research: An Annotated Guide to Information Sources, 1945-1990. Irene Shaland. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1991. Doe Reference PN 2266.3 .A12 .S53 1991 

American theatre history: an annotated bibliography. Thomas J. Taylor. Pasadena, Calif.: Salem Press, 1992. Main Stack and Doe Reference PN 2221 .A12 .T39 1992 

American theatrical periodicals, 1798-1967; a bibliographical guide. Carl J. Stratman. Durham, N.C., Duke University Press, 1970. Doe Reference PN 1560.A12 .S8 

Asian theatre: a study guide and annotated bibliography. Ed. James R. Brandon. Washington, D.C.: University and College Theatre Association, 1979. Main Stack PN 2860 .A12 .A84

The Best plays and the year book of the drama in America. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1899/1909-1946/47. 30 vol. Main Stack and NRLF PN 6112 .B45; NRLF PN 6112 .B45

The Best plays and the year book of the drama in America. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1950/51-1951/52. 2 vol. Main Stack and NRLF PN 6112 .B45; NRLF PN 6112 .B45

Bibliographic guide to theatre arts. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1976- . Main Stack PN 1584 .A12 .B5, last 10 years in Doe Reference 

A bibliography of British dramatic periodicals, 1720-1960. Carl Joseph Stratmen. New York, New York Public Library, 1962. Main Stack PN 2581.A12 S7 

Bibliography of costume. Hilaire and Meyer Hiler. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1939. Main Stack GT 506 .H5 1939 

Bibliography of theatre technology: acoustics and sound, lighting, properties, and scenery. John T. Howard, Jr. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982. Main Stack and Moffitt PN 2091 .S8 .A12 .H68 1982

Black American playwrights, 1800 to the present: a bibliography. Esther Spring Arata. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976. Doe Reference PS 153.N5 .A12 .A73 1976

More Black American playwrights: a bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978. Doe Reference PS 153 .N5 .A12 .A73

Black theatre and performance: a pan-African bibliography. John Gray. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. Main Stack and Doe Reference PN 2969 .A12 .G7 1990

British theatre: a bibliography, 1901 to 1985. John Cavanagh. Mottisfont: Motley, 1989. Doe Reference PN 2581 .A12 .C28 1989

Cumulated Dramatic index, 1909-1949; a cumulation of the F.W. Faxon Company's Dramatic index. Boston, G.K. Hall, 1965. Doe Reference AJ3 .D72 \f\ Periodical Indexes
A composite photographic reproduction of the actual entries as they were originally printed in the 41 annual volumes of the Dramatic index, which first appeared as part II of Faxon's Annual magazine subject index.

Dictionnaire des personnages littéraires et dramatiques de tous les temps et de tous les pays : poésie, théâtre, roman, musique. 3. ed. Paris: Societe d'edition de dictionnaires et encyclopedies, 1970. Doe Reference PN 56.4 .D5 1970

A Guide to Reference and Bibliography for Theatre Research. Claudia Jean Bailey. Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University Libraries, 1983. Main PN 1620 .A1 .A12 .B15 1983

Guide to the performing arts. New York, N.Y. : Scarecrow Press, 1960-1972. Main Stack ML 118 .G85; NRLF ML 118 .G85 1957-1966, 1968

International bibliography of theatre. Sponsored by the American Society for Theatre Research, and the International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts in cooperation with the International Federation for Theatre Research. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Theatre Research Data Center, Brooklyn College, City University of New York ; New York, NY, 1982-1999. Doe Reference PN 1561 .I5

The performing arts: a guide to the reference literature. Linda Keir Simons. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1994. Doe Reference PN 1584 .A12 S55 1994

Performing arts research : a guide to information sources. Marion K. Whalon. Detroit : Gale Research Co., Date c1976. NRLF PN 1584 .A12 .W4

Popular entertainment research : how to do it and how to use it. Barbara J. Pruett. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1992. Doe Reference PN 1576 .P78 1992; NRLF PN 1576 .P78 1992

Routledge guide to Broadway.  Ken Bloom.  New York: Routledge, 2007.  Doe Reference PN2277.N5.B43 2007

Teatro hispanoaméricano: una bibliografía anotada = Spanish American theatre: an annotated bibliography. Richard F. Allen. Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, c1987. Doe Reference PQ7082 .D7 .A12 A441 1987

Theatre and allied arts; a guide to books dealing with the history, criticism, and technic of the drama and theatre. New York: Wilson, 1952. Doe Reference PN 1654 .A12 .B3

Theatre and architecture - stage design - costume: a bibliographic guide in five languages (1970-2000). Veronique Lemaire. Bruxelles; Oxford: P.I.E. - Peter Lang, 2006. Main Stack NA 6821 .A12 .L46

Theatrical costume, masks, make-up and wigs: a bibliography and iconography. Sidney Jowers and John Cavanagh. London; New York: Routledge; Romsey: Motley Press, 2000. Main Stack PN 2067 .A12 .J69 2000

United States theatre: a bibliography: from the beginning to 1990. Robert Silvester. New York: G.K. Hall, 1993. Main Stack and Doe Reference PN 2221 .A12 .S55 1993


The African American theatre directory, 1816-1960: a comprehensive guide to early Black theatre organizations, companies, theatres, and performing groups. Bernard L. Peterson, Jr. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1997. Doe Reference PN 2270.A35 P48 1997 Directories 

American theatre companies, 1749-1887. Edited by Weldon B. Durham. New York, Greenwood Press, 1986. Main Stack PN 2237 .A431 1986  via North American Theatre Online

American theatre companies, 1888-1930. Edited by Weldon B. Durham. New York : Greenwood Press, 1987. Main Stack  PN 2256 ..A441 1987  via North American Theatre Online

American theatre companies, 1931-1986. Edited by Weldon B. Durham., New York : Greenwood Press, 1989. Main Stack  PN2266; .A441 1989   via North American Theatre Online

Black theatre directory. Compiled and edited by Addell Austin Anderson. 3rd ed. Detroit, MI : Black Theatre Network, 1993. Doe Reference PN 2270 .A35 .B58 1993 

Dramatists sourcebook. New York, NY: Theatre Communications Group, c1981-
Continues: Information for playwrights. Main Stack PN 1661 .D71 with latest year in Doe Reference   2008 ed. 

Famous American playhouses, 1716-1899. William C. Young. Chicago, American Library Association, 1973. Doe Reference and NRLF NA 6830 .Y681

Famous American playhouses, 1900-1971. William C. Young. Chicago, American Library Association, 1973. Doe Reference, Environmental Design and NRLF NA 6830 .Y681

Grey House performing arts directory.  Millerton, N.Y.: Grey House Publishing, 2000-   Annual. PN1561.G74, newest in Doe Reference and older in Main

SIMBAS international directory of performing arts collections and institutions.  Paul S. Ulrich et al.  Listing of over 7000 international institutions with collections relating to the performing arts. 

Theatre companies of the world. Edited by Colby H. Kullman and William C. Young. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1986. 2 v.  Doe Reference PN 2052 .T48 1986 


Annals of English Drama, 975-1700: an Analytical Record of All Plays, Extant or Lost. Alfred Harbage. 3rd ed. Doe Reference Z 2014 .D7 .H25 1989       Suppl.1-2 Doe Ref Z 2014. D7 .H25 1964 suppl.

Annals of the New York Stage. George Clinton Densmore Odell.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1927-49.  15 vols.   NRLF and Main Stack PN 2277.N5.O4 1927  e-version from North American Theatre Online  v.1 Beginnings to 1767   vol. 2 1798-1821  vol. 3 1821-1834   vol. 4 1834-1843  vol. 5 1843-1850  vol. 6 1850-1857  vol. 7 1857-1865  vol. 8 1865-1879  vol. 9 1870-1875  v. 10 1875-1879   v. 11 1879-1882  v.12 1882-1885  v. 13 1885-1888  v. 14 1888-1891  v. 15 1891-1894

The Cambridge history of British theatre. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 3 vols. Main Stack PN 2581 .C36 2004

The Elizabethan stage. by E. K. Chambers. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1923. 4 vols. Main Stack PN 2589 .C4 1923      Index  PN2589.C4 1923 Index

A History of English Drama, 1660-1900. Allardyce Nicoll.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1952-59.  6 vols. Doe Reference PR 625 .N52 1952 & Main PR 625 .N52 1952

History of the theatre. Oscar G. Brockett, Franklin J. Hildy. 9th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, c2003. Main Stack PN 2101 .B68 2003

The Jacobean and Caroline stage. Gerald Eades Bentley. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1941-68. 7 vols. Doe Reference and Moffitt PN 2592 .B4

The London Stage, 1660-1800; a Calendar of Plays, Entertainments & Afterpieces, together with Casts, Box-receipts. 1st ed. 11 vols. Doe Reference PN 2592 .L6  A dataset derived from this publication is available at London Stage Database.

The London Stage, 1890-1899: a Calendar of Plays and Players. J. P. Wearing. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1976; Vol. 1-2 Doe Reference PN 2596 .L6 .W371

The London Stage, 1900-1909: a Calendar of Plays and Players. J. P. Wearing. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1981; Vol. 1-2 Doe Reference PN 2596 .L6 .W38

The London Stage, 1910-1919: a Calendar of Plays and Players. J. P. Wearing. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1982; Vol. 1-2 Doe Reference PN 2596 .L6 .W383 1982

The London Stage, 1920-1929: a Calendar of Plays and Players. J. P. Wearing. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1984; Vol. 1-3 Doe Reference PN 2596 .L6. W384 1984

The London Stage, 1930-1939: a Calendar of Plays and Players. J. P. Wearing. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1990; Vol. 1-3 Doe Reference PN 2596 .L6 .W384 1990

The London Stage, 1940-1949: a Calendar of Plays and Players. J. P. Wearing. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1991; Vol. 1-2 Doe Reference PN 2596 .L6 .W3846 1991

The London Stage, 1950-1959: a Calendar of Plays and Players. J. P. Wearing. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1993; Vol. 1-2 Doe Reference PN 2596 .L6 .W3847 1993

The medieval stage. E. K. Chambers. London: Oxford University Press, 1903. Main Stack and Graduate Services PN 2152 .C43 1903

The Oxford Handbook of American Drama. New York: Oxford UP, 2014. Main Stack  PS332 .O94 2014 See also Oxford Handbooks Online.

The Revels History of Drama in English.   London: Metheun, 1975-1983. Main Stack PR 625 .R441

Some account of the English stage: from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830. John Genest. Bath: H.E. Carrington, 1832. 10 vols. Bancroft NRLF 908 .G327

Theatricalia.  Database of past and future productions, including cast and crew members.  In beta and building.