UC Berkeley TWLF activists march down Bancroft Way, Spring 1969. From left, activists Charles Brown, of the Afro-American Students Union; Ysidro Macias, of the Mexican-American Student Confederation; LaNada War Jack, of the Native American Student Union; and Stan Kadani, of the Asian American Political Alliance, walk down Bancroft Way. (Chicano Studies Program Records, Ethnic Studies Library, UC Berkeley, CS ARC 2009/1, Carton 1, Folder 14.)
This library resource guide compiles library and archival materials on the Third World Liberation Front student strike and the history of Ethnic Studies and African American Studies focusing on the University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco State University. This guide is not a comprehensive overview of movements for racial justice in higher education, as colleges and programs emerged across the country during this period. For additional information or to suggest additions, please contact the librarian.