URL of this guide: guides.lib.berkeley.edu/Skydeck.
This guide is for the Berkeley-Taiwan Health Innovation Accelerator library session.
Please note that database licenses preclude their use for commercial purposes. Please do not share reports with anyone outside UC Berkeley.
All business database. Please send your business questions to haasref@berkeley.edu or contact Hilary. Business Library website.
Send your life sciences and public health questions to mhugh@berkeley.edu. Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library website.
Off-campus access is limited to current UCB faculty, staff and students. Choose one of the following methods:
Library Proxy (aka EZproxy)
When you click on a link to an article, database, etc., (from a library web page) you will be prompted to authenticate via CalNet.
If you click on an article (etc.) link found via a search engine or a non-UCB Library webpage, you will need to use a bookmarklet to access the licensed resource.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Download and install the VPN client to allow access the UC Berkeley licensed resources.
Make sure you select Library Access - Full Tunnel VPN when you log on.
Use eduroam to access UC Berkeley online resources at UCB, or while at another participating institution.
Berkeley-Visitor is a public network and will not allow access to UCB licensed resources (articles, databases, etc.) without further authentication.
Eduroam requires you to set a WiFi Key.