A. E. Wieslander, "Botanical type map of Muir Woods Basin : Redwood Canyon, Marin Co., California," 1 map (1914).
A. E. Wieslander, "Fire protection map of the forest plantations in the Oakland and Berkeley Hills : City of Oakland, Alameda County, California," , 1 ms. map (1915).
A. E. Wieslander, Management plan, Eastern Lassen Working Circle (Lassen National Forest, Calif., 1922).
California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Vegetation type maps of California and Western Nevada (U.S. Forest Service, Washington, D.C., 1932).
California Forest and Range Experiment Station, "Vegetation types of California (exclusive of deserts and cultivated lands)," maps (1932).
A. E. Wieslander., "A vegetation type map of California." (1935) Madrono 2:140-144
A.E. Wieslander, "First Steps of the Forest Survey in California" (1935) Journal of Forestry 33(10): 877–884
A. E. Wieslander, Forest areas, timber volumes and vegetation types in California (California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, Calif., 1946).
A. E. Wieslander, A Study of Land Ownership in relation to Timber Management in California ; working plan (U.S. Forest Service. California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley, Calif., 1947).
California. Division of Forestry, "Upland soils of Mendocino County : (exclusive of National Forests areas)," 1 map (1951).
Wieslander, A.E., and R.E. Storie. 1952. The vegetation-soil survey in California and its use. Journal of Forestry 50: 521-526
A. E. Wieslander, "A.E. Wieslander papers," , 1 v., 1 carton, 1 oversize folder.; 21 sound cassettes (of oral history interview).
A good summary of how the VTM project fits in with more recent vegetation mapping efforts in California is Todd Keeler-Wolf's The History Of Vegetation Classification And Mapping In California, a chapter in Terrestrial vegetation of California (3rd ed).
The Biosciences library's collections include maps from the next major vegetation mapping effort, the State Cooperative Soil-Vegetation Survey (maps dated 1949-), and a description of this project (also in this article), and scans of these, and later, maps are available in the Library's Digital Collections.