Here are maps of Hakodate 函館 and Matsumae 松前 located in present Hokkaidō 北海道.
Here are maps of Akita 秋田, Sendai 仙台, and Hōjusan 宝珠山 located in the present Tōhoku region 東北地方.
Here are maps of Mito 水戸, Chōshi 銚子, Yokosuka 横須賀, and Kamakura 鎌倉 located in the present Kantō region 関東地方.
Here are maps of Atami 熱海, Sunpu 駿府, Shizuoka 静岡, Shimizu 清水, Hamamatsu 浜松, Nagano 長野, Gifu 岐阜, Toyama 富山, Fukui 福井, Nagoya 名古屋, and Kanazawa 金沢 in the present Chūbu region 中部地方.
Here are maps of Nara 奈良, Sakai 堺, Ise 伊勢, Ujiyamada 宇治山田, Futaminoura 二見ノ浦, Matsusaka 松阪, Toba 鳥羽, Tsu 津, Hikone 彦根, Fukakusa,深草, Fushimi 伏見, Wakayama 和歌山, and Himeji 姫路 in the present Kinki region 近畿地方.
Here are maps of Onomichi 尾道, Uno 宇野, Okayama 岡山, Hiroshima 広島, Akamagaseki 赤間ヶ関, and Shimonoseki 下関 in the present Chūgoku region 中国地方.
Here are maps of Tokushima 徳島, Takamatsu 高松, Matsuyama 松山, and Kōchi 高知 in the present Shikoku region 四国地方.
Here are maps of Hakata 博多, Fukuoka 福岡, Moji 門司, Kurume 久留米, Saga 佐賀, and Kumamoto 熊本 in the present Kyūshū region 九州地方.