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Events & Instruction from the Sciences Libraries: Workshops

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Take a library workshop

Request a workshop

Contact the sciences librarians to request a workshop for your class, lab, research group, student group, or program.

Some library workshop topics are listed below; this list is not comprehensive.

Introduction to Data Analysis & Visualization

The Library partners with UC Berkeley Data Peer Consulting to present a series of workshops designed to help undergraduates learn python basics for data analysis and visualization. Developed from the Software Carpentry Curriculum, Undergraduate Data Science Discovery Consultants lead workshops to introduce basic data manipulation and visualization with Python. This series also serves as a data analysis starting point for undergraduates in the Data Science Discovery Program. Workshops have included:

  • Introduction to Data Analysis with Python
  • Data Analysis using NumPy
  • Data Manipulation using Pandas
  • Creating Visualizations with Python
  • Creating Visualizations with Tableau

Workshop information is updated in our Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization library guide

GIS & Mapping Workshops

The GIS Librarian teaches several short workshops throughout the year on a variety of GIS and mapping topics. Consult the library workshop calendar for upcoming offerings, or see the library's GIS guide for workshop materials. Frequently taught workshops include:

  • GIS & Mapping: Where to Start -- Provides an overview of the GIS and digital mapping landscape as a whole, including key tools, concepts, and campus resources.
  • Creating Web Maps with ArcGIS Online -- Want to make a web map, but not sure where to start? This short workshop introduces common tasks in creating web maps and provides hands-on practice.

abstract image of map

Introduction to Zotero

The Library offers introductory and advanced workshops for Zotero, a robust, open-source citation manager. The workshops cover importing citations, exporting bibliographies into Word and Google Docs, and sharing resources among groups. Consult the library workshop calendar for current dates. 

For self-guided learning, we offer a library guide on getting started with Zotero. 

Introduction to LaTeX with Overleaf

latex template example

We offer several introductory LaTeX with Overleaf workshops throughout the year. Consult the library workshop calendar for current dates.

Workshops cover:

  • editing documents using LaTeX commands on the Overleaf platform
  • mathematical notation and equation syntax
  • creating and syncing bibliographies
  • uploading and managing figures and graphics

Workshop materials are available in VOLT, our online tutorial site.

How to publish a scientific paper


This workshop provides an overview of the scientific publication process, including:

  • structuring and writing a primary research article
  • evaluating journals, writing a cover letter, submitting the manuscript and retaining copyright
  • the editorial process, peer review and revisions, as well as tips for avoiding rejection
  • maximizing scholarly impact.

See How to publish a scientific paper.

Isaac Newton letter in Philosophical Transactions

Finding Health Statistics and Data

Health statistics and data

Offered by Public Health and Optometry Librarian Michael Sholinbeck in partnership with D-Lab, this workshop explores the intricacies of health statistics, authoritative sources, and tools for crafting custom tables on birth, death, disease, and behavior statistics. While spotlighting U.S. data, it also explores non-U.S. sources. See the Health Statistics & Data guide.

Map of money spent on beef in 2020, Bay Area households

NCBI Bioinformatics Resources: An Introduction

NCBI logo

This workshop provides an introduction to the database and analysis tools of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Workshop participants will:

  • see an overview of the NCBI Entrez system
  • Find a protein sequence and gene coding region, starting with an organism and a protein
  • Compare sequences and identify a protein, starting with a sequence
  • Compare two or more sequences to identify their evolutionary relationship

See NCBI Bioinformatics Resources: An Introduction.

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