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L2 Voter Data: Getting Started

L2 Voter Data access instructions from UC Berkeley

What is L2 Voter Data?

L2 Voter Data Logo L2 Voter Data supports research into voter behavior and demographics, by providing detailed demographic profiles, historical voting records, party affiliation data, and geospatial analysis tools. L2 Voter Data is a regularly updated database of all registered voters in the US, and contains voting records going back, in some cases, to 2001.

There are two different ways to access the data. Depending on your research need, you can request access to one or both. 

1. The DataMapping tool provides an easier entry point to working with L2 voter data. It does not require a PI, and can be requested by members of the broader UC Berkeley research community, including faculty, graduate students, and undergrads. Please note that there are a limited number of seats for the DataMapping tool, and we ask that you request access only if you have an active research project in progress.

2. L2 Voter Data (Raw) is licensed for anyone affiliated with UC Berkeley, including LBNL users, and requires a lengthier process to gain access. The user must have permission from a UC Berkeley PI. The user will also need to set up a Savio account with Research IT.

To start the process of accessing the L2 Voter Data (Raw) and/or the DataMapping tool, please complete the L2 Request Form.


Please email with any questions. 

Once you have received your credentials you can access L2DataMapping Login page

Voter Data Considerations

Resources for understanding use guidelines for voting records.