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American Studies 189, Fall 2024

UC Library Search

 UC Library Search infographic about what is included

UC Library Search is the University of California's unified discovery and borrowing system.

Access it directly or from the Library homepage to find most UC books, articles, media, archival collections, and more.

See the UC Library Search User Guide and ask for research help 24/7 for more information.

Sample Searches - UC Library Search

SIGN IN!  even if you're using VPN or proxy

1.  keywords;  phrase searches, variant word endings

"counter culture" AND midwi*

quotes keep two or more words together

* = truncation symbol/wildcard; child* = child, childs, children, childhood, childish...

2.  filters on the left: limit to scholarly/peer reviewed articles; or limit to format (books, articles), language, etc.

3.  alternative terms

"management style*" OR "leadership style*"


4.  subject searches (advanced search)

subject: trade

subject:  "cold war"

5.  Advanced search

evolution OR inclusive

"management style*" OR "leadership style*"
