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International Economic Organizations: UN Agencies

This a guide to the work and information of International Economic and Financial Organizations, including the World Bank, IMF, OECD, WTO and others.


International economic and financial organizations are not limited to the Bretton Woods instititions and development banks.  Many UN agencies (including but not limited to those listed below) focus on economic financial and development issues. 

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNCTAD is the UN body responsible for international trade and investment.  It also offers technical assistance to developing countries and hosts the World Investment Forum and a Quadrennial Conference.

UNCTADStat.  Key data source for foreign direct investment, commodity prices, and data on creative goods and services, merchandise trade, and the information economy.

Publications. Flagship publications include:

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. 

UNIDO Statistics Data Portal. International data on industries and mining. Includes INDSTAT 4, with data on establishments, employees, wages, output, and female employees by industry (4-digit level of the ISIC) for more than 100 countries from 1990; and INDSTAT2 with variables at the 2 digit ISIC for countries back to 1963.

Publications. Key publications include the Industrial Development Report and International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics (current edition is Open Access).