The GMS spans one thousand years (600-1600) of literary production across the medieval world (Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia). It contains primarily short texts of broad interdisciplinary interest in a variety of genres, and many of the texts have not previously been translated into English. All texts in the compendium are downloadable as TEI-XML files to allow for computational or other analysis.
Collection of primary texts from the Italian Reformation digitized from the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. Selection of more than 100 rare works offers a synopsis and theological profile of the diversity of the printed manifestations of the Protestant Reformation in the Italian states. (Brill) [15th-17th centuries]. NOTE: Issues with Chrome have been reported with this resource. Users are encouraged to use other browsers.
The Translated Texts for Historians book series provides scholarly English translations of key historical sources from the time of late antiquity and the early middle ages. [A.D. 300-800]
Texts span 300-800 A.D. and have been translated into English from Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, Georgian and Armenian. Each volume of scholarly translation includes an introduction setting the text into context, and rigorous notes on content, interpretation and debates.