The Library recommends linking to public domain, library-licensed, or open access content that is available online rather than uploading copyrighted materials to your course site when possible.
You do not need to ask permission to share links to library-licensed or lawfully-posted Internet content. That’s because linking does not constitute an action protected under copyright law, so you’re not invoking any of the exclusive rights of copyright holders when you merely direct students to a lawfully distributed or displayed copy of a work.
If you wish to upload copyrighted content rather than linking to it, please consult the Copyright in Instruction web page, which explains how to make uploading decisions.
The workflow asks you to answer a set of questions, including:
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you can share the work itself, rather than a link to it, and without getting permission from the copyright owner.
If you answer “no” to all questions above, then you should share only a link to the content, rather than the work itself, or ask for the copyright owner's permission to share.
If you decide that uploading the content is permissible, you should: