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LibGuides Global Boxes: Core Library Info

Global boxes for librarians to link in their guides.

Campus Library Map

Select the image below to see the full campus library map.

A map of all campus libraries

See also:

Doe, Main Stacks, and Moffitt Library floorplans

Looking for a book or location in Doe, Main Stacks or Moffitt? 
Try the library floorplans for:

Or ask for assistance!

Library Hours

Jump to Library Hours page »

Hours on: 
Enter as mm/dd/yy 


To select individual libraries/units, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking.


Research help

Make a research appointment

Schedule a research appointment 
Set up a 30 minute appointment to meet with a librarian. 

Library subject specialists 
Contact a librarian directly to make appointments for other research topics.

Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research

The Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research recognizes excellence in undergraduate research projects that show evidence of significant inquiry using the library, its resources, and collections and learning about the research and information-gathering process itself.

  • Prizes: $950 for lower-division and $1,200 for upper-division

Library News (All)

The latest news from the UC Berkeley Libraries.

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Off-campus Access to Library Resources

There are two ways to connect to library resources from off-campus using the new library proxy:

  1. Links to online resources on library websites, such as UC Library Search, will allow you to login with CalNet directly.
  2. To access library resources found via non-UCB sites, such as Google or Google Scholar, you can add the EZproxy bookmarklet to your browser. Then, whenever you land on a licensed library resource, select your EZproxy bookmarklet to enable CalNet login.

More information is on the EZproxy guide.

The campus VPN provides an alternate method for off-campus access.

Library Proxy

  • You no longer need to configure a browser to use the Library Proxy.
  • When you click on a resource link found in UC Library Search, Databases A-Z or eJournals (UC eLinks), you will be prompted to authenticate. You may authenticate via CalNet, or via your PIN / Cal 1 card number.
  • When you click on a resource link found via a search engine or a non-UCB Library webpage, you will need to use a bookmarklet to access the licensed resource.

Printing and Scanning in the Libraries


All UC Berkeley libraries have at least one scanning station. From the scanners you can:

  • save documents to a USB drive (Moffitt Copy Center sells USB drives)
  • upload documents to a cloud service (Google Drive, Box, OneDrive or DropBox)
  • email documents to bMail, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail or Microsoft Live accounts such as and Hotmail
  • send documents to library printers 

All of the scanning services are free, except for printing scanned documents (see below)

picture of open book


  • Printing in the libraries costs 8 cents per page for black & white, or 60 cents per page for color.
    • UC Berkeley students, faculty and staff pay with their Cal 1 Card.
    • Visitors can request a Cal 1 Guest Card from a library public service desk, or the Copy Center in Moffitt Library.
  • Library guide to Printing from your Laptop or Mobile Device

Complete Print/Scan information is available on the library website.

Purchase Recommendation

studying in the main stacksUse the Purchase Recommendation form to suggest items that the Library should consider for our collections. 

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