Select the Real Estate database. Data for many countries. US data: Real estate indices (real and inflation adjusted), home sales by area, housing starts, mortgage rates, median and average housing prices, mean and average square feet, Case Schiller and Freddie Mac home price index by city, sales by financing type, housing inventory, vacancies, and more. Login anonymously (or create an account which allows you to save data and searches.)
Contains long runs of historical data (over 6,000 series) on security markets and macroeconomic trends for over 150 countries. Includes Long-term Financial, Interest Rate, United States Daily Stock Market, Global Stock Market, Total Return, Annual Data, and Dow Jones Industrial Average Intraday. Includes online encyclopedias that describe each database.
Data on all key economic indicators, housing and construction, income, cost of living, labor and employment, Zillow Real Estate Metrics. Banking and finance data includes data on mortgages, flow of funds, Freddie Mac rates, interest rates, and much more.
Offers easy access to over 5,550 data sets from over 65 source providers and 16 subject categories, including banking, criminal justice, education,energy, food and agriculture, government, health, housing and construction,industry and commerce, labor and employment, natural resources and environment, income, cost of living, stocks, transportation, and more. Sources of data include federal, local, state and international governments and organizations. Allows for customization of the data by selecting subjects, and the ability to view your data in side-by-side tables, charts and maps.
Map and create reports that analyze social change based on data from the US Census and American Community
Survey - data is available for all years. Tables include demographic characteristics of an area down to the Census tract or zip code level. Age, sex, race, income, family structure, marital status, education, housing, house value, labor force, occupations, travel time to work, transportation.
Provides access to current and historical United States census data, including all historic decennial censuses and American Community Surveys, as well as other demographic information, such as religious organizations. Census data is current to 2010 and historical back to 1790. In addition to being a data resource, the web interface lets users create maps and reports to better illustrate, analyze and understand demography and social change.
A statistics portal that integrates data from reliable sources on thousands of topics
Categorized into market sectors, Statista provides access to quantitative facts on media, business, politics, and other areas. Sources of information include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government sources. Data may be downloaded into spreadsheets and presentations. Also includes industry reports.
Available to currently enrolled UCB students, faculty, and staff.
Berkeley subscribes to the Energy and Real Estate verticals, which provide financial information and research on companies' individual projects and investments. Formerly known as SNL and S&P Market Intelligence. A guide to Real Estate screening can be found at