Economic statistics of China, arranged by regions and categories. Includes monthly and yearly reports on China's macroeconomic development, statistical databases about China's population and economy at the county and city level, and financial indicators of industrial branches. (All China Data Center)
Also includes statistical yearbooks, census data, industrial and marketing surveys, and an atlas of China. Includes link to China Data Center at the University of Michigan.
EPS China Statistics presents the most comprehensive collection of data on China. It provides yearly, quarterly and monthly data for indicators covering national, county and city statistics. [1949-present]
It is a one-stop service platform for data retrieval, processing, analysis and forecasting, visualization display and data export. The database is in both English and Chinese version.
Provides statistical data on industries and mining for many countries, including China.
Includes INDSTAT 4, with data for the number of establishments, employees, wages, output, and female employees by detailed industry (4-digit level of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)) for more than 100 countries from 1990; and INDSTAT2 with the variables at the 2 digit level of ISIC for countries back to 1963. Also includes the IDSB database (with Import, Export, Output and Apparent Consumption) at the 4-digit ISIC level from 1990, and MINSTAT, a database of industrial statistics with similar variables for the mining sectors.