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Real News/Fake News: Real News

Finding Real News/Detecting Fake News

Journalists and their Codes of Ethics

"Real news" is written by professional journalists who adhere to ethical guidelines for gathering and writing the news.  Examples of journalistic codes of ethics:

Society of Professional Journalists code of ethics, including:

  • seek truth and report it
  • minimize harm
  • act independently
  • be accountable and transparent

see link for more details

NPR Standards of Journalism, including:

  • accuracy
  • fairness
  • completeness
  • honesty
  • independence
  • impartiality
  • transparency
  • accountability
  • respect
  • excellence

see link for more details

New York Times Code of Ethics, including:

  • fairness
  • integrity
  • truth

and links to professional guideline documents


Finding Real News - Library Databases

Set up your browser to connect to these resources from off campus.

This is a selected list of newspaper databases available via the UCB Library; click here for a complete list.

See the Help tab to find librarians who can assist you with your research.