Private equity and venture capital transactions. Screen for investments, firms, funds, portfolio companies, and individual investors. Note:Available to currently enrolled UCB students, faculty, and staff. Select "Log in with SSO" and use your address for access.
Note: Available to currently enrolled UCB students, faculty, and staff.
Select Screening->Transactions. Under General Transaction Details, select Primary Features->Private Placement type for VC/PE transactions. For buyers/investors, select Targeting Engine--> buyers/investors
Replaces UC Berkeley's NetAdvantage subscription. If this link takes you to NetAdvantage instead of a login page for S&P, try restarting your browser, clearing your cache, or opening in an incognito browser.
Available to currently enrolled UCB students, faculty, and staff.
Berkeley subscribes to the Energy and Real Estate verticals, which provide financial information and research on companies' individual projects and investments. Formerly known as SNL and S&P Market Intelligence. A guide to Real Estate screening can be found at
Latest news. "Private Equity" and "Venture Capital" are industry headings in Factiva. "Private Fundraising" is a subject heading. Use subject heading "Press Release" to restrict search to companies' new fundraising announcements.
Includes the exclusive combination of The Wall Street Journal (1979-present), the Financial Times, Dow Jones and Reuters newswires and the Associated Press, as well as Reuters Fundamentals, and Bureau van Dijk company profiles.
Crunchbase : crowdsourced venture capital database has some freely available data.