SAGE Research Methods provides information on writing a research question, conducting a literature review, choosing a research method, collecting and analyzing data, and writing up the findings. Easily search more than 800 books, reference works, and journal articles.
SAGE Research Methods’ coverage spans the full range of research methods used in the social and behavioral sciences, plus a wide range of methods commonly used in science, technology, medicine, and the humanities.
A statistics portal that integrates data from reliable sources on thousands of topics
Categorized into market sectors, Statista provides access to quantitative facts on media, business, politics, and other areas. Sources of information include market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government sources. Data may be downloaded into spreadsheets and presentations. Also includes industry reports.
US and international polling and public opinion survey data.
Contains domestic and international survey data. The Center's Public Opinion Location Library (iPOLL) gives online access to a database including poll questions asked in US from 1936 to present.
Provides national and regional data on community hospital utilization, access, charges, quality and outcomes from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP).
Provides data that can be used for research on hospital utilization, access, charges, quality and outcomes. HCUP data can be used to describe patters of care, to analyze hospital procedures and to study the care of population sub-groups and do identify, track, analyze and compare hospital statistics at the national and regional level.
Provides full text research reports on the latest issues in business management and US and global economics.
Proprietary, non-biased research includes studies of Fortune 500 companies on business trends, leadership decisions, performance excellence, ethics and corporate governance, HR, and forecasts of regional, national, and international economic conditions. 1995-present.
Corporate financial database that provides information on U.S. and international public companies
Provides financial information on U.S.and international companies. The database consists of the following components: U.S. and International Company Data, Archives, Annual Reports, Factsheets Plus, Factsheets Express, Institutional Holdings, Insider Trades, Expanded Long-Term Debt, Equity Portraits, and Corporate Bond Portraits.
Newspapers, magazines, trade journals, wire services, transcripts, and more. Broad international and foreign language coverage. Special indexing for business searches. Ways to search:
Includes the exclusive combination of The Wall Street Journal (1979-present), the Financial Times, Dow Jones and Reuters newswires and the Associated Press, as well as Reuters Fundamentals, and Bureau van Dijk company profiles.
Scholarly journals, trade journals, magazines, reports, and more. Special indexing for business searches. Includes trade journals that may be relevant, such as the Journal for Cleaner Production.
Indexing, abstracts, and (in many cases) the full text of articles for the most important scholarly business journals as well as popular and trade magazines and newsletters.
Indexes books, journals, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, and web sources related to public policy, politics, economics, and social issues worldwide. (Public Affairs Information Service) [1915 - present]
Includes publications from over 120 countries. Some of the indexed materials are published in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. The Archive covers English-language material only.
Find citations for journals, conference proceedings, books, reports, and government publications in the agricultural and environmental sciences. [1960 - present].
AES incorporates the formerly titled "Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management" database - which includes Environmental Impact Statements - plus the databases AGRICOLA (1970-current) and TOXLINE (1999-current).
Find technical information as well as analytical and search tools for the engineering community.
Collection of over 8000 engineering and scientific reference handbooks, texts, and databases. Can be searched by topic across the aggregated set, or users can browse the content of a specific title. Advanced features include numerical range searching and interactive graphs and tables.