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German: About the Collection

About the German Studies Collection

The Library's support of German Studies at Berkeley includes campus programs which address all periods and aspects of German linguistics and literature, the history of the German-speaking peoples from the earliest period to the present, and also the politics, philosophy, sociology, and cultural achievements of these populations. These programs have been consistently ranked in the top echelon of their academic fields in the United States, and the Library strives to collect broadly and deeply across disciplinary lines in support of them.

In addition to its general collections of German Studies materials in the Main Stacks, the Library also has numerous special collections from and about Germany. One such body of materials in The Bancroft Library is the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft collection, which documents the life and works of the members of Germany's first literary society. 

Purchase Recommendation Form

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For Library help in German studies

Jeremy Ott
Classics and Germanic Studies Librarian
Art History/Classics Library (Doe 308F)