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Psychology 1: Find Peer Reviewed Article: Strategy 2

Search PsycINFO

Select several relevant journals to search

1. In PsycINFO Advanced Search screen, select Publication title - PUB from the pull down menu. Then click on the link for Look up Publications.







2. Enter the title of the journal, click on the Begins with radio button, then click on Find button.








3. Click on the checkbox next to the journal title. (The number listed under Count indicates how many articles from that journal have been indexed in PsycINFO.) Click on Add to search button.











4. Repeat steps 1-3 above for as many journals as you want. The database will automatically combine the journal titles with the OR connector.

5. Once you've add the journal names, add topic search terms to your search. Click on the Search button.

6. Review the search results. Look for the journal title, date of publication and number of pages. To read the full text of the article, you will need to click on the Get It at UC button.


  • The Get it at UC icon brings up another screen indicating that the journal is Available Online. Click on that link.


  • Click on the name of the publisher for this journal since its coverage includes the date/volume in question.

  • Finally, you'll get to the article in question and can read the full text or click on the PDF to see the typeset version of the article.


Why use PsycINFO?

PsycINFO, from the American Psychological Association, has many powerful features and searches almost 4 million records. It covers all areas of psychology and the behavioral sciences, and includes many interdisciplinary areas as well. Among the other reasons to search PsycINFO:

  • authoritative coverage (curated and indexed by the professional APA indexers)
  • up-to-date (updated weekly)
  • comprehensive (articles, books, dissertations)
  • detailed indexing (search by language, population, methodology, author affiliation and more)
    • including controlled indexing terms