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OOMPH Library Resources: PHW 236A: Regulatory Science, Drug Development and Public Health: Need Help?

Access to Online Library Resources & Help

Set up your off-campus access to library resources (databases, online journals, etc.) using the Library proxy or Library VPN.
(This page has both set-up and troubleshooting information).

UCB Wi-Fi Options include Eduroam and Berkeley-Visitor:
Eduroam, the preferred network for UCB, allows you to access UC Berkeley online resources both at UCB, and while at participating institutions worldwide.
Eduroam requires you to set a WiFi Key.
Berkeley-Visitor, UCB's public WiFi network, requires CalNet authentication each time you try to access a licensed resource.

Need help with the above? Students may contact Student Tech Services at 510-642-4357 or; anyone may contact the Library reference service.

Reference Services:

  • Email a Life & Health Sciences Librarian to schedule a meeting (in person or Zoom) for help with researching a topic, finding online articles, books, data, etc., citation management, etc.
  • "Ask a Librarian" 24/7 Chat reference is also available at Reference Service link, above.

GradPro: Professional Development Consultations for Graduate Students

GradPro offers individual consultations with Professional Development Liaisons.

Their confidential consultations help early-and mid-career graduate students navigate skill-building resources and develop professional networks. And for advanced graduate students, we help you identify concrete strategies to juggle multiple priorities in your final years of graduate school: from time management to career exploration and job applications.

Writing Help @UCB

Subject Specialty Librarians

There are dozens of librarian subject specialists at UC Berkeley.

Here is a list, by subject.

Ask a Librarian 24/7 Chat

Help with Urgent Student Needs

More information may be found on the UCB Basics Needs website, the Berkeley Support Portal (for students, staff, & faculty), and the Dean of Students Well-Being website.

See also:

for quick links to several urgent needs resources.


Mental Health

Urgent Medical Needs

Sexual Violence/Sexual Harassment

LGBTQ+/Gender Issues

Emergency Food

Emergency Cash

Emergency Housing

Undocumented Support


Back-Up Childcare

  • Back-Up Childcare: Highly-subsidized in-home and center-based back-up child care for UC Berkeley student parents.

Academic Accommodations

  • Academic Accommodations Hub: Information on Classroom climate; Academic integrity and honor code; Academic accommodations; Support resources; Conflict resolution and troubleshooting.

Disputes with the University

  • Student Advocate’s Office: Free and confidential student service that can provide you with assistance in matters of student conduct, grade appeals, financial aid, and more.

Report an Incident

  • Berkeley Diversity: Incident Reporting Forms: Report a specific incident or act of intolerance, hate, harassment or exclusion at any of the Berkeley campus or UC-systemwide resources listed here: hate incidents, grievances, whistle-blowing, discrimination, sexual violence, etc.