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Search WorldCat for books on your topic around the world, especially if doing a major literature review.
We use the Library of Congress system to shelve books by topic. When you find a book in the catalog, check which library it's in and write down its call number:
Books are shelved in alphabetical order (HM books before HQ books), and then in numeric order (31 before 308). Demography is diverse, and so we have several main groupings, each with a subject or subjects as part of it:
G: General Geography, Atlases & Maps
GF: Human Ecology, Anthropogeography
HB: Economic theory, Demography
HB848.8 3697 Demography, Population, Vital events
HM: Sociology (General)
HM435-477 History of sociology
HM481-554 Theory and method
HM621-656 Culture
HM661-706 Social control, systems, and structure
HM711-806 Groups and organizations
HM826 Social Institutions
HM831-901 Social Change
HM1001-1281 Social psychology
HN: Social history and conditions, Social problems, Social reform
HQ: Family, Marriage, Women
HQ12-449 Sexual life
HQ503-1064 Family, Marriage, Home
HQ1101-2030.7 Women, Feminism
HT: Communities, Classes, Races
HT101-395 Urban sociology
HT401-485 Rural sociology
HT601-1445 Classes
HT1501-1595 Races
JV: Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration
JV6001-9480 Emigration and immigration, International migration
The library has purchased access to a wide range of sociology e-books for your use. Nearly all are subscription-based and require you to be on campus / to login to your CalNet account to access:
Proquest ebooks can be read online, or download for 1-14 day loans. (You can permanently save some unrestricted books depending on the publisher's agreement).
Project Muse and JSTOR ebooks slant to the humanities; download and save chapters to read later.
Springer and Science Direct ebooks tend towards the sciences, and can often be downloaded and saved permanently.
Taylor & Francis ebooks are a mix of lending and permanent downloads.
UC Press and ACLS Humanities ebooks allow online reading only.
Proquest Dissertations and Theses is a good place to find detailed research not yet published as a book.
Google Books and HathiTrust have digitized thousands of Berkeley books, which you can download if not in copyright.
Every book in our catalog has several "subject" headings which describe its main topic. Samples:
Subjects and keywords are different. Search by "keyword" to find matching words in any title, author, subject, or book description. Search by "subject" to find books cataloged in a specific area--then click on the subject link to find similar books! Here are some subject headings which will give you good results for topics in demography:
Always cite your sources! This list of subject headings for finding demography books comes from librarian Joann Donatiello at Princeton University