UC Library Search is the University of California’s unified discovery and borrowing system.
Access it directly or from the Library's homepage to find most UC books, articles, media, archival collections, and more.
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See the UC Library Search user guide and ask for research help 24/7 for more information.
Sample searches (both primary and secondary sources):
1. keywords: fred korematsu
refine your search: author: korematsu, fred
2. keywords: japanese american citizens league
refine your search: author: japanese american citizens league
3. if you know the title (leave off "the" and "a")
title: view from within
title: topaz times
title: daily californian (limit to journals/magazines/newspapers)
4. researching by topic:
keywords: japanese internment
keywords: japanese draft resist*
* = truncation/wildcard child* = child, childs, children, childhood, childish, etc.
modify search
pull down languages menu to English
5. click on the titles of relevant items, look at official subject headings, redo your search:
subject: japanese americans evacuation and relocation
6. other examples:
advanced search
subject: japanese americans newspapers
subject: japanese american* interviews
subject: japanese americans personal narratives
subject: japanese americans berkeley
Try out these UC Library. Search features:
The Northern Regional Library Facility (NRLF) is an off-campus storage facility for some library collections. NRLF materials are available to request in UC Library Search.