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The Cannabis Industry: Home

Off-campus Access to Library Resources

There are two ways to connect to library resources from off-campus using the new library proxy:

  1. Links to online resources on library websites, such as UC Search, will allow you to login with CalNet directly.
  2. To access library resources found via non-UCB sites, such as Google or Google Scholar, you can add the EZProxy bookmarklet to your browser. Then, whenever you land on a licensed library resource, select your EZproxy bookmarklet to enable CalNet login.

More information is on the EZProxy guide.

The campus VPN provides an alternate method for off-campus access.


Since legalization, the cannabis industry has been expanding in California and other states.  This guide provides an introduction to sources available to study the impacts of this rapidly changing market, including legal, policy, business, social, and environmental impacts.  

Cannabis Leave

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Contact Jesse

Jesse Silva
guide author or co-author photo

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