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Catalan Studies: Intro.

A library research guide


The UC Berkeley Library has a long history of collecting materials in Catalan with the strengths in literature, philology, history, and politics. Materials are mostly located in the Gardner (Main) Stacks but also in subject specialty libraries like Anthropology, Art History/Classics, Music, Environmental Design, and the Media Resources Center. Rare items are housed in The Bancroft Library and the Robbins Collection in the Berkeley School of Law.

Catalan manuscripts

New Catalan literature

Book cover: El Càsting - Antònia Carré-Pons

Book cover: Carme Serna - Perdona'm per desitjar-ho tant

Book cover: Silvestre Vilaplana - La mirada de l'impostor

Book cover: Carolina Montoto - Barcelona. Marsella. Maó

Book cover: Bernat Navarro Porter - La número 25

Book cover: Margarida Prats Ripoli - Mare, filla i refilla

Book cover: Eva Baltasar - Ocàs i fascinació

Book cover: Clara Queraltó - Com un batec en un micròfon

Book cover: Jordí Martí Font - Secondina: crónica de la putrefacció

Book cover: Joan Vigó - Les platges del clatell

Book cover: Carles Camps Mundó - Com els colors a la nit


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Librarian for Romance Language Collections

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Claude Potts
by appointment (in-person, chat, Zoom)