Code names can be confusing if not understood correctly.
California Building Standards Law: This name refers to the body of state law within California Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.5, commencing with Section 18901. The provisions of Part 2.5 govern the work of the California Building Standards Commission and how the codes adopted and published by the CBSC apply. The provisions of Part 2.5 are state laws enacted through the legislative process involving the state legislature and Governor. See Health and Safety Code Section 18901.
California Building Standards Code: This name refers to the building standards located in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations as published by the California Building Standards Commission. The building standards in the California Building Standards Code are state regulations adopted by various state agencies in the Executive Branch of state government. State laws require various state agencies to develop building standards for specific types of buildings, building equipment and features. See Health and Safety Code Section 18902.
California Building Code: This name refers to Part 2 of the California Building Standards Code in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. It should not be confused with the California Building Standards Code, which is the name given to the entire body of building standards in Title 24. Again, the California Building Code is just Part 2 within Title 24, the California Building Standards Code.
(California Deptartment of General Services 2022 Guide to Title 24.)
The Uniform Building Code was first enacted by the Pacific Coast Building Officials (now International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO)) on October 18-21, 1927. Revised editions of this code are published approximately every 3 years.