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Beatrix Farrand: A Bibliography of Her Life and Work : Farrand at UC Berkeley

A selective bibliography of books, journal articles, and newspaper reports by and about Farrand.

The Farrand Gift

Farrand bequeathed her large estate to the University of California, Berkeley, in 1955. Her gift included the Reef Point Gardens Library; her private and business papers and correspondence; her collection of plant specimens; prints and photographs; and, an endowment for landscape architecture library collections, as well as other endowments.

  • Beatrix Farrand gift of books and funds for fellowships in landscape architecture. IN: University of California (System). Office of the President. Records: Numerical bound folders, 1929-1958. 1955-57.
    • CU-5, Series 3, Box 26, Folder 24 (216-ARCH)
  • [Correspondence between Beatrix Farrand and H. Leland Vaughan concerning the donation of her collection to the University of California at Berkeley Landscape Department], IN: Beatrix Jones Farrand Collection, 1866-1959. Student Drawings Collection, (ARCH 1998-3). H. Leland Vaughan, professor of landscape architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1930 to 1969, and Chairman 1947 to 1969, pursuaded Farrand that her Reef Point Library comprised of rare books, historical documents, maps, prints, and plans would find an appreciative home in the Landscape Department.
    • Environmental Design Archives ARCH 1955-2
  • [Correspondence regarding Beatrix Farrand's gift of the Reef Point Gardens Herbarium to the Jepson Herbarium at the University of California, Berkeley]. 1955-1956. Includes 12 letters from Farrand, Prof. Herbert L. Mason, and George A. Pettit, Assistant to the UC President. Originals in the archives of the Jepson Herbarium.
  • Vaughan, H.Leland, Library gift to California collection of Mrs. Farrand, IN: Landscape architecture, (47) October 1956, pp. 298+.

Books & Periodicals

The 2,700 books and periodicals from Farrand's Reef Point Gardens Library are housed in the Environmental Design Library as well as other campus libraries. There is no single definitive list of the titles from Farrand's library. In addition to using the resources below, you can search OskiCat using the Quick Search→search for reef point as Keyword(s)→limit the location to Environmental Design Library.

Drawings, Prints, & Documents

Plant Specimens

The Reef Point Herbarium is housed in the UC Berkeley Jepson Herbarium. The herbarium comprises approximately 2,000 specimens of plants grown in the Reef Point gardens, and is accompanied by planting plans.