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Maps & Air Photos: Topographic Maps

Information about finding maps and aerial photographs in the UC Berkeley Library collections and beyond.

Oakland East 1959 USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle (crop)Topographic maps show the physical geography of an area, often including elevation of the terrain and depth of water. These maps can also include elements of the built environment. They are often published as map sets or series consisting of many individual sheets.


United States Geological Survey (USGS)

Print USGS Topos

The USGS produces topographic maps of the United States at a variety of scales, from the 7.5 minute quadrangles (1:24,000) to 1:250,000. We shelve the physical maps in our library under the call number G3700 svar .U6 [state] [quad name]. Use a paper or digital index to identify the quad for your location of interest.

Digital USGS Topos

International Topographic Maps

Topographic map sets can be particularly helpful when you cannot find an individual sheet map for a city or area of interest at the desired scale. We have particularly strong collections of international topographic maps produced by both local governments and the U.S. Army Map Service. When viewing the library catalog record for a topographic map set:

  • Use paper and digital index maps to identify relevant sheets.
  • Click “View volumes” to see if we own the sheets that you need.

Common topographic map sets with international coverage include:

Scanned international topographic map sets

Scans of international topographic maps can be found on many different sites, including the following:

Topographic Map Reference Materials

Guides to symbols

