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Optometry: Evidence-Based Practice


Evidence-Based Practice in Optometry Project
Learn about EBP in Optometry.

Evidence-Based Optometry Tutorial
from New England College of Optometry.

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice Tutorials
From the Duke University Medical Center Library.

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Evidence in eBooks

Sources of Evidence at Berkeley

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

AOA Clinical Practice Guidelines

AAO Preferred Practice Patterns (Guidelines)

ECRI Guidelines Trust
Requires free registration. Clinical areas: Optometry and Ophthalmology.

ICO International Clinical Guidelines

Synopses of Systematic Reviews

Cochrane Library
Systematic Reviews Cochrane Library
Synopses of Studies ACP Journal Club (internal medicine)
Filtered Studies

PubMed Clinical Queries
→ Visit PubMed and select the Clinical Queries tool

Embase PICO search
→ Visit Embase and select PICO search

Unfiltered Studies



Cochrane Library

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