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Databases in Public Health: Article Databases

Core Public Health Article Databases

Yet more databases

The UC Berkeley Library provides access to hundreds of databases in all subject areas. Check out the A-Z Databases Guide for a comprehensive list. Once at this page, you can narrow by subject or format type.

Additional Health & Medicine Article Databases

Regional Health Article Databases


Search Public Health Guides

Multidisciplinary Databases

Doing a Systematic Review?

Before you embark on a systematic review, please understand that this could easily be a one year or more project.

UC Berkeley licenses Covidence, a tool to help you with your systematic reviews.
In Covidence, you can import citations, screen titles and abstracts, upload references, screen full text, create forms for critical appraisal, perform risk of bias tables, complete data extraction, and export a PRISMA flowchart summarizing your review process. As an institutional member, our users have priority access to Covidence support.
To access Covidence using the UC Berkeley institutional account, start at this page and follow the instructions.

Low & Middle Income (LMIC) Search Hedge

If you are searching for information on, or studies that were done in, LMICs, you are welcome to copy and paste this list of terms into the search box of whatever database(s) you are using. Please be aware the list is almost 600 words long.

USA Search Hedge

If you are searching for information on, or studies that were done in, the USA, you are welcome to copy and paste this list of terms into the search box of whatever database(s) you are using. Please be aware the list is about 175 words long.