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OOMPH Library Resources: Spatial Data Science courses: Handbooks, Articles, Help & Tutorials

Library Guide for resources for the OOMPH GIS courses

Class Projects: Copyright & Fair Use Guidance

Please be mindful when using copyrighted materials in course projects such as StoryMaps. Generally, embedding links or code is a best practice to avoid copyright issues. The UC Berkeley Library's Office of Scholarly Communication has provided this information guide to assist you. 

GIS Help, Information & Community

Finding Journal Articles on GIS & Public Health

Use this PubMed GIS search to find articles on GIS and Health. 

Then, use the PubMed Advanced Search Builder (click "Advanced" under the search box) to add terms relevant to your topic to this search: disease terms (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.); geography terms (ie, China, developing countries, etc.); types of people (ie, rural population, health personnel, African Americans, etc.), and so forth.


You can also try a similar search in Embase

Copy/paste the search string below into the Embase search box, then add AND [(your_terms)], using disease, geography, people, etc. terms.

('geographic information system'/exp OR 'geographic information system' OR 'map'/exp OR 'spatial analysis'/exp OR 'spatial analysis' OR gis:ti OR gis:ab OR 'health mapping')

Stay informed & get connected!

♦ Check out the GIS & Mapping Community of Practice campus meetup! ♦

There are many ways to hear about GIS and mapping related news on and around campus:

The following lists are not GIS/mapping focused, but often have relevant items:

Learning QGIS