American Comparative Literature Association
Founded in 1960, the ACLA is the “principal learned society in the United States for scholars whose work involved several literatures and cultures as well as the premises of cross-cultural literary study itself.”
Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada A ABRALIC Site with news, calls for papers and information about conferences.
British Comparative Literature Association Founded in 1975, the organization promotes scholarship on all literatures and in relationship with other disciplines. The site has news of conferences and other events, calls for papers, links, and PDFs of the journal New Comparison, published 1986-2003.
Canadian Comparative Literature Association/Association Canadienne de Littérature Comparée News, calls for papers, conferences.
Center for Translation Studies
International Comparative Literature Association - Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée. News, recent issues of the ICLA Bulletin and of Recherche Littéraire/Literary Research.
Postcolonial Studies Association
Réseau européen d'études littéraires comparées/European Network for Comparative Literary Studies. List of members, news, Eurolit Forum for the exchange of ideas, activities and e-texts, some of which have abstracts and some full-text
Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost/Slovenian Comparative Liataerature Asociation News. conferences, links
Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada Links to publications, conferences, journals and other programs.
Société Française de Littérature Générale et Comparée Members, conference, a bibliography of the work of French comparatists available in languages other than French, links.
Southern Comparative Literature Association Information about the SCLA, its journal The Comparatist and a few links.
This list of journals of potential interest to those in comparative literature is by no means complete. Please send suggestions for further inclusions. The Modern Language Association Directory of Periodicals (UCB subscription) and the Directory of Open Access Journals are additional places to look.
452ºF is an online full-text journal of literary theory and comparative literature, published by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona starting in 2009. The journal aims to bring together established academics and postgraduate students to promote the interdisciplinary study of literary theory.
Across Languages and Cultures: A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest) 2000-
ALIF: Journal of Comparative Poetics. 1981- Refereed annual with articles in several languages. Available to subscribers of JSTOR, which does not include the most recent three issues.
arcadia International Journal of Literary Culture/Internationale Zeitschrift für literarische Kultur. 1966- Furnishes a "forum for internationally comparative studies that deal with literatures and liberal arts from all parts of the world. Current theories associated with these literatures and liberal arts are discussed."
Banipal: Magazine of Modern Arab Literature Banipal was founded in 1998 and publishes contemporary authors and poets from the Arab world in English translation. The journal is by subscription, but selections are freely available on the website.
Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature Freely available online journal of reviews of new books in the field.
Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes Subscription based (available through Project Muse) with emphasis on teaching strategies.
CLCWeb is "an e-journal whose primary focus is the publication of work in the study of literature and culture where literature is understood as an artistic expression in an international/global and/or cross-disciplinary context." Peer reviewed open access journal published by Purdue University Press.
Colloguium Helveticum: Cahiers suisses de littérature générale et comparée. 1985- Main Stack PN851.C56 Tables of contents available for all issues.
Compar(a)ison: An International Journal of Comparative Literature The journal's aim is to "promote the theory of comparative literature and the development of new directions in comparative studies."
The Comparatist. 1977- The annual sponsored by the Southern Comparative Literature Association. Available online to subscribers of Project Muse beginning with vol. 29, May 2005.
Comparative Critical Studies 2004- Published for the British Comparative Literature Association by Edinburgh University Press
Comparative Literature; the Official Journal of the American Comparative Literature Association. 1949- Subscription journal available through Duke University Press
Comparative Literature Studies 1963 (special advance issue), v. 1, 1964- Published by Pennsylvania State University Press, this journal is available online to Project Muse subscribers.
Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatre Comparada is sponsored by the Associação de Literatura Comparada (APLC). 1991- Main PN851.D43, v. 3/4, 1992-
Extravío: revista electrónica de literatura comparada 2006- Annual published at the University of València.
Hikaku Bungaku: Journal of Comparative Literature is published in Japanese with summaries in English, German or French.
Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies Journal Open access (e-version freely available) since 2007, and inexpensive subscriptions are available for those who prefer print
Forum for Modern Language Studies 1965- Main Stack PB1.F63 Subscription journal publishing by Oxford University Press for the Court of the University of St. Andrews. Covers all aspects of literary and linguistics studies from the Middle Ages to the present.
Intertexts: a Journal of Comparative Literature and Theoretical Reflection 1997- Main Stack PN851.I58 Available to subscribers of Project Muse beginning with vol. 13, 2009.
Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature. 1961- Main Stack PN851.J2 (many in NRLF) Includes book reviews.
Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics is published by the Vishvannath Kaviraja Institute of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics (Orissa, India)
Journal of Literary Theory Some content available free at the journal’s online site
Komparatistik Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft. Publication of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (DGAVL). Tables of contents available at journal website.
Literary Research / Recherche littéraire. 1983- Published by the International Comparative Literature Association. .
MLN: Modern Language Notes is published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Available through subscription and to subscribers of Project Muse.
Modern Language Journal is published by Wiley for the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations and publishes research and discussions about learning and teaching foreign and second languages. Available also through JSTOR except for the last 3 years. Online index from 1916-present at Wiley Online Library.
Modern Language Quarterly; a Journal of Literary History. Published by the Duke University Press for the University of Washington
Modern Language Review is the journal of the Modern Humanities Research Association.
Mosaic, a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 1967- University of Manitoba
Neohelicon; Acta Comparationis Littrarum Universarum. 1973- Main Stack PN851.N46 Published by Springer in cooperation with Akadémiai Kiadó
New Readings Open access peer-reviewed journal covering European literature, cultural history, film and visual culture published by the Cardiff School of European Studies.
Orbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies 1943- Main Stack PN1.O7 Published by Wiley for the University of Southern Denmark. Some content is freely available.
Other Voices: The E-Journal of Cultural Criticism. 1997- Freely available online, OV is published at the University of Pennsylvania and "publishes provocative essays, interviews, roundtable discussions, lecture transcriptions, audio lectures, multimedia projects, translations and reviews in the arts and humanities."
Revue de littérature comparée began publication in 1921. E-versions of issues published 1931-1999 are available to subscribers of Periodicals Archive Online. E-versions of issues published 2004-two years ago are available through Literature Online.
Ri.L.Un.E: Rivista delle Letterature dell'Unione Europea / Revue des Littératures de l’Union Européenne (Bologna) is a peer-reviewed open access journal with the aim of aiding the formation of a “European cultural conscience through the exchange of knowledge, the promotion and study of European literature.”
Rivista Italiana di Letteratura Comparata. 1990- Annual with articles on comparative literature and book reviews.
Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate. 1946- Main Stack PN5.R5 Articles on modern and comparative literature and book reviews.
Safundi: the Journal of South African and American Studies. 1999-
Semicerchio: Rivista di poesia comparata (University of Florence) 1985- “Semicerchio focuses on poetry from the antiquity to the present with special attention to the international scenario and intercultural relationships, and to thematic criticism and the literature of migrants.” Includes many book reviews.
Studies in the Humanities. 1969- UC Davis has the entire run of the journal in Shields Library, AS36.I5 S78. “Publishes studies in literature, film, drama, theory and cultural studies. The journal encourages works which are multidisciplinary and cross-cultural.” Includes book reviews.
symplokē: theoretical, cultural, and literary scholarship (University of Nebraska Press) Availlable to Project Muse subscribers
Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures is a journal of criticism “in modern literatures originating in languages other than English.”
Tamkang Review: A Quarterly of Comparative Studies between Chinese and Foreign Literatures. 1970-Main Stack PL2250.T3 The journal publishes “comparative studies of Chinese literature in relation to other classical and modern literatures. It also publishes studies of Chinese Literature from a critical point of view that places the subject within the context of world literature and studies dealing with theoretical aspects of East-West comparative literature.” Includes book reviews.
World Literature Today: A Literary Qurterly of the University of Oklahoma . 1927- Some e-articles available through subscription services.
Yearbook of Comparative & General Literature. 1952- Main Stack PN853.Y4 Publishes “theoretically informed research in literary studies with a comparative, intercultural, or interdisciplinary emphasis.” Includes book reviews.